Monday, 26 November 2018

My toddler has sensory issues but autism has been ruled out. Is this just a normal toddler thing that he'll outgrow?

I have a wonderful little 2 year old boy. He just turned 2 and is so smart but we have noticed some sensory struggles. I have read about Sensory Processing Disorder and moat parents say their SPD kids have autism, aspergers, or are otherwise a little "off" or quirky. None of that really fit my boy but we decided to have him evaluated anyway. Autism was ruled out as a diagnosis. He has a strong vocabulary, looks people in the eye, is very social, etc. The issues are all sensory related.He hates loud noises and spent most of Thanksgiving with his hands over his ears because people were being too loud. He cries when he hears firetrucks or alarms of any kind. He can't wear sneakers. We live in the northeast but have to put him in sandals because he kicks off sneakers the moment they go on his feet. We potty trained on the early side because he couldn't stand to be dirty but now he's refusing underwear because he doesn't like the way they feel. We have tried different brands all with the same results. I think maybe they are too big on him since he's so skinny but we can't find anything smaller than 18 month size. He hates getting new clothes because he doesn't like the way new clothes feel. He is on the lower end of the growth curve and has a very slow growth pattern so we can normally keep him in clothes for a while but anytime we have to move up a size he starts screaming when trying things on. He doesn't like hugs or cuddling.Has anyone gotten an SPD diagnosis after Autism has been ruled out or do we just need to wait this out until he outgrows these behaviors? I'm worried that if we do that he'll be doing to high school with sandals in the winter, no underwear, and clothes from elementary school. via /r/Parenting

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