Monday, 26 November 2018

Stay at home dads: How do you deal with people treating you like a loser?

I’m a 35m married for 8 years we have 2 kids, a 1yo and a 4yo. Wife has an awesome job in finance making over 250k a year that is the reason why I can stay home to raise our kids. As a kid I was in gifted and talented programs but was also abused by my parents and treated shitty by a lot of peers. I have an engineering degree and have been more than “handy” my whole life. It’s really important to me that my kids get a “real” childhood and take being a dad serious because mine sucked so bad. That’s a quick backstory.A handful of my friends and family are equally or more successful and they treat me like a junior member of society or something. To them, I am a fool for not putting my kids in day care because I can make more money than it would cost. They think this means I’m lazy and don’t want to work. I get the impression that they see society as a pecking order and the highest earners are on top with everyone else filling in below them. To them I’m not even on the map. Add in some mainly man attitude and people like to joke around like I’m gay or feminine. I am 6’3, work out and used to do jiujitsu, I could unscrew their heads if I want to. Since I’m home I can shuffle my time to accomplish many things big and small along w taking care of the kids and extras. I remodel my house, take care of all car maintenance, cut my own lawn etc. We have a great income and very little of it leaves in terms of expenses since I handle everything so wifey is free to do her thing in office land.Recently at a famil get together I over heard a uncle in law saying that his truck had no brakes on the way there. They both work in medicine have a mc mansion w a his and hers Benz and Porsche but this is their shit truck they use on the weekends. I offered to help them and take a look at the truck during my week. They are acting like they are doing me a favor because I must be bored during the week with the kids because I am not at work. I have to not do something in order to make time to help them out.The week before I was talking about finishing a home project to friends at s thanksgiving thing. I mentioned how I just had the painting left after I had finished all the trim. My buddy in front of everybody made s thing about how painting is a waste of time and to just pay someone to do it. I felt like I had to be defensive to justify NOT paying someone to do simple work. He made a “below his pay grade” type comment.This type of thing happens weekly and it makes me very frustrated with people who are close to me. I try to talk to my wife about it doesn’t help, we sort of argued about it. I brought up the truck thing and she said so don’t fix it. When she got out of the shower this morning I said I had been up for a couple hours. She patted me on the shoulder like a kid and said she had to get up MORE with the baby. Like even though I was tired, it wasn’t REAL tired.How the hell do I put up with everyone acting like I’m taking it easy and talking down to me when I’m exhausted and stressed out all the time? via /r/Parenting

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