Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Nobody can come to my daughter’s birthday

Hi parents, looking for a bit of advice today.My daughter is turning 5 at the end of the month and decided she’d like to have her birthday at the gym we go to (pool party). There was a cap on the number of kids we could have at the party (rule of the gym) so we invited about 15 kids. I sent the invites out a couple of weeks ago (party is last weekend in September.Everyone has RSVP’d no. The party must have just fallen on a super busy weekend, because this is really the first time this has happened. And at least everyone provided notice, which was very nice!I’m trying to figure out what I can do between now and the party that won’t make my daughter heartbroken. I mentioned a few of the kids who wouldn’t be able to make it and she has been getting more deflated each time so I stopped.Should I cancel the gym party and just do a house thing and invite the neighborhood (telling everyone “your presence but no presents” type of thing)? Or just make the pool party work somehow? Any advice is greatly appreciated!! Thanks all! via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2wCDnIk

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