Tuesday, 4 September 2018

My daughter is rude. I’m at a loss.

My (38F) daughter (mid-teens) is RUDE to her peers and one younger sibling Like, jaw droppingly rude and disrespectful.To most everyone else she’s amazing. She’s an overachiever, head of everything, sports, straight A’s, like the absolute perfect child on paper. 95% of the time she’s just a teenager and acts like one. But this is just absolutely humiliating and uncalled for and just... Leaves me speechless.She can’t take criticism. She thinks anyone trying to discuss something with her is them telling her she’s a failure.I’m trying to think of examples but basically if someone says “Hey, teenager, you put this as the answer but it’s this...” She snaps “I KNOW!!!” She then starts shaking and crying. She’ll shut down and start clawing herself and writing all over her self.She also knows ASL and tells people off in sign and then is just appalled that anyone would say “Hey, that’s rude, please don’t do that.” She flips the hell out.I raise all of my kids the same. I don’t care if they get all A’s or don’t win at sports or whatever. Just be a kid. Get an education. Be a good person. I don’t treat her or the others differently. I don’t pressure her to be number 1 at everything. She just is. I don’t care if she’s number 50, as long as she’s happy and healthy and does good.I’ve taken her to therapy and counseling. It made it a 100x worse.Just now I tried talking to her about it. I was calm, spoke to her like I’d speak to anyone else. And it turned into her shaking and clawing herself and screeching that she doesn’t have an attitude and she isn’t rude.She makes comments like “Peer doesn’t speak to me. Apparently she HATES being corrected.” She corrects her peers on everything. Even teachers. And she’s been repeatedly asked by everyone to stop and she flips the hell out.Sorry this is so scattered. It’s hard to summarize what I’m feeling and asking.TL;DR One of my kids is so rude it is humiliating. I don’t know what to do. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2oIp5SI

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