Monday, 3 September 2018

Eleven month old fighting sleep by forcing herself to throw up - help!

DD is an all-around happy and smart little girl, but she fights sleep like nothing else. She could be exhausted beyond belief, but she will lose her mind if she has to go to sleep.Up until now, we would have a vicious cycle of her hitting a sleep regression, us trying to soothe her, it not working, using CIO, it working, and then hitting another sleep regression with the cycle starting over and over again. Even with that, she probably would only get at most 8 hours of sleep a day. It sucks royally and no one wants to let their kid cry, but it was the only thing that would get her to sleep and stay asleep for a while.She was doing fine again until her latest regression. Now not only does she fight sleep, she will try and climb out of her crib and then she will throw up. Every single night and nap. Frankly we are stumped. We go in there and clean her up and the bed and then put her down and she will start to scream again.Our dr thinks we should continue the CIO and just keep cleaning her up and putting her back to bed after until it sticks, but it’s breaking our hearts and we certainly don’t want her to keep throwing up every night.Any advice would be super appreciated! Thank you! via /r/Parenting

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