Monday, 24 September 2018

4yo keeps saying he doesn't like school

We have twin boys in a good Montessori school. They've been there since age 2 and it's been good. Since school started back up this fall, though, both of them, but one especially, keep saying that they don't want to go to school.I've done what I can, without planting gross ideas in their minds, to make sure their dislike isn't due to bad things happening at school. What they say they dislike is "work" -- they want me to find a school where they do nothing but play. Haha. Also, they keep saying they're used to being at home (they were home all summer).We've told them both that school is where you learn cool things like reading and math; response, "I don't want to learn cool things." We've said that when they learn a little bit more math, they can build robots (which they're excited about); they say they don't need to keep learning math for that, because they will just hold the drill and drill how many holes we tell them to. We've said school is where you make friends; they don't care, because they have each other and a couple of non-school friends.It's killing me to hear the one of them say in a sad voice, multiple times each evening, that he doesn't want to go to school tomorrow. Any ideas? Has anyone else been through this? What did you do? via /r/Parenting

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