Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Should I contact the paternal grandparents to let them know their grandchild exists?

I created this throw away account as this problem is very personal and embarrassing.I am currently five months pregnant with my first child. I was with the babies father for two years. In this time I met his family in a casual manner however we formed no kind of close relationship. During a break with babies father things became very heated and his family advised him to to stay away from me, at lease this is what he told me I can’t confirm this myself. We later got back together and our child was conceived.Since then he has been inconsistent ranging from attending appointments and being affectionate and making plans. All the way to no contact for weeks, aggressive outbursts and threats to leave and never come back.Ultimately it is best to say I expect he will not be involved and that is his choice to make. He has said many times he will never tell his family.However, his family have remained unaware through out A. That we got back together for several months and B. That I am carrying his child. As far as they are aware he ceases contact with me for good when our original break began.I have been given conflicting advice on wether or not to inform the fathers family. And I myself am conflicted. I want to do the right thing. Not cause drama or upset. Equally I would really like my child to have as much family present and involved as possible.I would really like to hear advice from people who have made this choice as well as parents of young adult sons as to what you would hope a girl in my situation would do.TLDR; I’m pregnant, Dad is not involved, his family don’t know and potentially don’t like me, would it be right or wrong to tell them. via /r/Parenting

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