Thursday, 2 August 2018

My wife and I are atheists and our six year old daughter’s friends want her to go to church functions with them.

We moved to a new neighborhood last year and our little one has made a couple of really good friends. Awesome. I love that she has other kids her age that she can play with. It’s great. However, last night one of her friends invited her to go to a little carnival at their church with bounce houses and face painting and the like. I don’t want to deny my child fun with her friends but I also don’t want this to turn into “hey, come to church with us this Sunday.” Am I wrong for not wanting her to be apart of that? At this age she doesn’t understand the concept of God or religion. She just thinks church is a fun thing her friends get to do but she doesn’t.It’s a slippery slope because if I explain to her that her mom and I don’t believe in that sort of thing, and if she tells her friends that, I’m worried that her friends will tell their parents and our daughter will no longer be allowed to play with their kids.Does anybody else have any advice or experience in this area? How do I go about explaining this type of stuff in a way that a six year old can understand? via /r/Parenting

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