My husband has 3 older sisters in their 40s, all of them domineering and none of them have kids (by choice, 2 had abortions in their 30s). They all live in another state so they've only met my 10 month old twice and my 2 year old only a handful of times. My 10month is wary of strangers and screams bloody murder whenever one of them tries to hold him. My 2 year old has her occasional tantrums, but it doesn't happen very often and she snaps out of it after a good talking to. Anyway, they came to visit recently and declared that my children are manipulative and spoiled. They said that my 10 month old manipulates me and roll their eyes whenever I nurse him for comfort. They told me that that's exactly what he wants to do...you're letting him manipulate you. They witnessed one tantrum from my 2year old when she had been up for 13 hours with no nap and was extremely sleepy (we fought to keep her awake so she can greet her aunts when they flew in). They keep lecturing me every day (they are staying with us for two weeks) about how easily I give in to my children's demands and they keep saying that, "if they were my kids..." Should I just be more understanding of the fact that they don't have kids and they couldn't possibly understand what it's like to be a parent? How can I possibly explain to these people who has never had kids that you break through to a different kind of love when you become a parent, and that comforting them by nursing them is maternal instinct in action, and not an infant consciously manipulating his mother? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2LVp3V3
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