Friday, 24 August 2018

My Son

Does anyone have a young child who refuses to get dressed for school and every morning is a struggle.My son Ronnie was the most trying child Ive ever met and he was mine. The one I always said would never be as bad as those other kids. HA!Dont want to get dressed for school... Heres how i fixed that.First I made sure when he went to bed at night wearing those cute zip up PJ's, not just his underware. I packed his clothes for school the next day in his bookbag. Than I got up early ate my breakfast alone, made sure his school work was teady to go than woke him. I stuck food in front of him at the table and got the baby ready.When it was time to go I said ok lets go. He looked at me funny. I think he thought he was getting away with something and climbed into the car.When I pulled up to the school he scrunched down so no one could see him. (That when I knew I won this one). I said ok get out. Have a good day.Than he pointed out to me that he didnt have any school clothes on, still in his pajamas. I said "I know, Since you dont like to do it at home I packed them for you so you can put them on at school, now go on. I have to get to work and I love you, have a good day" He started crying. I let it simmer a bit than said "Well, maybe, if you hurry you can put them on here in the car before you go in (my whole plan) "But they will see me. " "Ill cover you. Just stay low and hurry." Instantly, lesson learned. The next morning he got dressed without me asking and anytime he started dragging his feet in the future, I suggested, just getting dressed at school and he'd hurry and catch up. via /r/Parenting

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