Thursday, 2 August 2018

My husband doesn't let the kids pick out their own outfits and I think it creates an unnessasry battle and gives off the wrong impression. When did your kids start picking out their own clothes?

My husband is a great dad. Very loving and involved in his kids lives. He coaches the sports teams, makes sure to take the little ones out everyday, plays with them, helps with baths and bed, etc. He is reasonable and not generally controlling or overprotective. He lets the kids explore.The one issue is the kids clothing. He doesn't let them pick out their own clothes. He sometimes will give the younger ones (5 and 2.5) some options but the outfits are already paired together and he doesn't let them swap. Our oldest is almost 11 and picks his own clothes but my husband will sometimes check to make sure he's wearing something that matches and goes together well.It sometimes creates meltdowns when the younger ones want to wear something else but he won't let them. It's not even about being weather appropriate. I can see him not wanting them to wear jeans and a sweater outside when it's 110 degrees but this is more like him not letting them wear red shorts with a green shirt because it doesn't match. He complains about them complaining but when I suggest he let it go he says that he can't have them walking around like that. I'm tired of having to wait for my 5 year old to put on her clothes because she doesn't want to wear that or hearing my 2.5 year old yell because he can't wear his favorite shirt because it doesn't go with his pants. Even my 11 year old wants to go shopping with dad so he can help him pick out clothing for the school year. I don't know if this is a battle worth fighting but I feel like he is teaching them that they need to care about what others think and that worries me with the oldest getting closer to the teen years. My oldest has already talked about making sure he has the right clothes and brands for school. via /r/Parenting

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