I feel like I could write a novel, but I also feel like that would open an emotional wound I've been trying to hold shut. So I'm gonna try and keep this brief.Me:34y/o F Husband:32 y/o Son:27 months . Husband and I have been married 3, together 10 years. We both work FT, and husband is on overnights.About a year ago I noticed my son wasn't progressing like I thought he should. But at his 18mo. appt, the Dr had no concerns. Therefore my husband had no concerns. We had no one to compare our son's development to, and I have no friends nearby with children. We now have a nephew who just turned one, but our son was the first grandchild on both sides.He has lost words and only uses 5-10 regularly. He screams whenever we transition from one task to another. Even if he's given notice. He doesn't notice when you call his name -- and never has. He barely babbled, and never had a "put everything in my mouth" phase. He can't handle large groups and enclosed spaces without a full-blown tantrum. He buries his face in my shoulder and covers his ears when we do try to do something in a crowd.Finally, at his 2 year appointment (during which he screamed the entire time), the doctor recommended he get further screening. He also didn't grow much in the last year and fell from 97th% for height and weight to 40th%. I wanted to talk to the Dr more about that, but as I said, my son was inconsolably screaming the whole time.So we are starting down the path of speech therapy and possibly behavioral therapy. And I still feel alone. My closest friends are all CF, some not by choice, so the attitude is, quite frankly "you're lucky to have a kid at all -- put up or shut up."I try to bring my son out in public to try new experiences, see new things, and become accustomed to new situations. All the while he screams. Or occasionally tries to run off with me yelling his name to his "deaf" ears.He's been stuck in the same spot for almost a year. If anything he's gotten crankier and more particular about everything. He should be smiling. Happy. Discovering new things and growing. He's not. It hurts. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2z9jdsE
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