Thursday, 2 November 2017

Behavior issues in Kindergarten (5 year old girl)

To start, I am a single father with a 5 year old. I currently have my daughter 3 days a week, while her mother keeps her for 4 days. We are very good with Co parenting.It's been 3 months into our daughter's first year of kindergarten. Within the first month, she was having very serious focusing problems and her teacher told us she is the least cooperative girl, and the furthest behind in class. She made a point to say that it isn't our daughter's intelligence that is suffering, but rather her focus and being overall uninterested in learning. She constantly gets in trouble for not listening, playing, and not following through with punishment (walking laps around playground).After this first meeting, her mother and I adjusted how much time we spent on school work and things seemed to improve. She began getting good behavior marks and so on.Skip to present day, and we have just received our 2nd email and counseling appointment with her teacher over her behavior.Note: Teacher note come to you, to help provide me with solutions to get my daughter's focus under control before they start prescribing ADHD drugs. I would like to hopefully rectify the issues before it gets to that point.Thanks! via /r/Parenting

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