Monday, 27 November 2017

My husband forces our son to talk to girls, and wants to ask his ex to be a dating coach for our son, and it makes us all uncomfortable

My son was spending all day on the laptop yesterday, and I asked him what he was doing. He went to go use the restroom and me and my husband saw his tabs open. He had porn open (not a problem), but also had pua advice (along with the Red and Blue pills) about how to attract women and get them in bed.I am in shock that he went there. He told me he wanted a girlfriend and that he didn't know how to attract women, despite my husband talking to him. When I told my husband this, he commented that "He needs some solid advice on attracting women" and that he used PUA on his exes. my husband claims that our son needs a dating coach and that his ex is one. My husband always forces our son to talk to more girls, and told him to put away his 3ds at an office party to talk to his coworkers' daughters there. Our son even told us about a girl he liked and my husband said "Quit being a fucking wuss, ask her the fuck out, and make love to her already".Is this true? Is my husband too unreasonable? I am not only uncomfortable with my son reading PUA, but husband encouraging him and talking to his ex. My husband never cheated or hit me or my son. What should I do now?TL;DR: Me and my husband saw inappropriate sites on our son's laptop and my husband wants to get him a dating coach, who is his ex, and I am not comfortable with him talking to her or inviting her into our home. What should I do now? via /r/Parenting

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