Monday, 27 November 2017

Unexpected Thanksgiving outcome - ending to some family drama from a few months ago.

I posted a few months ago about difficulty getting everyone together for Thanksgiving: Link to the last of 3 posts..After some back-and-forth, my husband and I rented a lake house close to my BIL, SIL, nephew, and my husband’s parents. My parents, my sister, and her girlfriend, plus my husband, daughter, and I flew there to meet them.For the most part, the holiday went off without a hitch. The kids got along great, the food was amazing, no one whined about the rooming situation (I was predicting a lot of strife over some adults having to sleep in twin beds without attached bathrooms), and everyone seemed happy. All in all, a pretty great time.And then Friday got weird. My daughter and her cousin started to fight, probably because they were tired and getting a bit sick of each other. Out of the blue, my MIL asked if “being raised by someone else” (we have a nanny, as both my husband and I work) was making my daughter act out. Luckily, my SIL stood up for us and reminded MIL that they were fighting because they were two normal, cranky kids.The rest of the night, MIL and FIL made it their mission to disparage my and SIL's professions, and interject into any conversation how they believed mothers should stay home with children. They told SIL her teaching salary couldn’t possibly make up for what they pay in childcare. They wondered if I would encourage my daughter to follow me into law, even though lawyer = liar. They asked if having a second kid would give either of us enough of a reason to stay home (especially uncomfortable because SIL is having fertility issues). They even told my sister and her girlfriend that they are lucky because since they’re both women, either of them could stay home with their kids if they have any (so they’re woke on the whole lesbian thing, but not on working mothers?).We were all dumbfounded. I get that they're from "a different generation," but I’ve never heard anything like this from them before. It was truly out of left field.Finally, my father angrily asked MIL and FIL if they were going to foot the bill for the Thanksgiving costs, since husband and I were the ones paying for the food and lodging and they’re so adamantly against my having a salary of my own. That effectively ended the issue, or at least their talking about it.The upside: my SIL and I bonded like never before. By the end of the weekend, we were laughing hysterically, chatting, and taking extra trips to the store to actively avoid our in-laws. While planning this trip, I was lamenting that the two of us weren’t very close. I hoped this holiday together would help us get along better. Lo and behold, it really did, though in an uncomfortable way.So that’s it! The end of our Thanksgiving saga. Nothing I was worried about ever came to fruition, and something I didn’t expect ended up making the trip weirder, but a little better.Hope everyone else had a nice holiday.Tl;Dr: Thanksgiving was great, except I learned my in-laws despise working mothers. But that gave SIL and me a common enemy, so things turned out pretty well after all. via /r/Parenting

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