Wednesday, 29 November 2017

My 6 y.o. (M) and 8 y.o. (F) are both tall and thin for their ages, which makes finding clothes for them a P.I.T.A.

SAHD of 4 here. I’ve yet to find any brand that caters to their body types. Shirts, shorts and pants are always either too short or too big. We try our best to be body positive, but ‘round here, these kids aren’t of age to be proudly displaying their genetically gifted washboard abs (I swear, they don’t do a single damn sit-up, but they get to look like they attend ToddlerFit. Damn youth and metabolism). Also, we love bacon as much as any red blooded American should (as required by the Constitution), but when given the choice between high-water jeans that make them look like a Hipster who hasn’t quite figured out skinny jeans yet, and yanking the shit out of that embedded elastic band so hard it looks like a perfectly cooked bacon belt (saved you the “is that a thing?” Google), I’m a little over it in denim form.Anyone else have this issue? Where do you shop? If you find an online source, you’d be our Enrique Iglesias’ 2003 hit ballad.If you sew/alter your kids clothes, I commend you (and the 8th grade science project on which you likely spent way too much time and energy), but we ain’t got (don’t want to make) time for that.I’ll take my answer off the air. via /r/Parenting

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