Thursday, 2 November 2017

13 year old will not go to school. At the end of my tether

He has been refusing to go to school for a year now, maybe longer. He was going in and doing things to make sure he was sent home, or was 'annoyed' by the teachers enough for him to walk out (getting told off for HIS behaviour annoyed him).It is now at the point where i cant even get him out of bed on a morning. He is refusing, or finding any excuse possible to not get up. I get mouthfuls of abuse hurled my way each morning when trying to wake him.He loses possessions, mainly a complete wifi ban as a consequence. Grounding would not work as he would just up and leave anyway. He will not do any chores. His bedroom is worse than a rubbish bin. Even if i clean it,it will be filth within 2 days again.I am fed up of it completely. School dont do much, at all. They held meetings a lot but they basically just went over the same things each time "we dont know what to do with him".His excuse for not going today is that i have told him to get up too many times. If i stopped coming into his room and telling him to get up, he would have. Which is bullshit. Since he just keeps falling asleep.He is getting no education and nobody seems to give a toss. He is making my life hell. I have two younger children who are already starting to question why they should have to go to school when their brother doesnt via /r/Parenting

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