My 13 month old son has been going to this daycare for a couple months now. He was in the 'infant' room, we liked the teachers, no issues. This Monday they rather abruptly informed us that he is in a new classroom. As in, they said nothing about it leading up to this change, come Monday his old teacher told us he goes in the new room, his cubby has already been moved over. Hubby and I were already running late and didn't get a chance to really meet the new teachers that morning. Monday afternoon at pick up one of them tells me I packed too much food for him, now they enforce scheduled feedings; one lunch (~10-11) and one snack ~2. She also tells me she is the only one of them that speaks English so we can't communicate with the other teacher (but also rather presumptious that we cant speak Spanish). Second day she says he's been crying all day, took him home and this kid ate EVERYTHING I would give him. He ate two and a half of his normal dinner servings, nursed, and was still asking for snacks. Today when we got his lunch box back the only thing missing was his lunch and a half serving of his snacks. His sippy cup had the same amount of juice I sent him in with, and they didn't give him his breatmilk bottle so I have a feeling he's had no liquids all day. Again, he gorged on food as soon as we came home. The other thing we noted is the teacher has her own son in the class and she commented he has a fever of 103 and has bronchitis. Excuse me?? And he's still here, potentially getting all the other kids sick?? She said she can't take him home because they have too many children (not enough adults for the required adult:child ratio). I want to say something to the director but I've been told she's not in town right now and will be back next week. Is this something appropriate to get frustrated and upset over? I don't want to seem like im not giving these new ladies a chance with him but it's been 3 awful days in a row, I also don't want to be the pain in the ass parent that is resistant to changes. I know he will have teachers I won't like, or ones he won't like, I've accepted that's something we will deal with but is this is seems bigger then that. I unfortunately can't do anything to get out of work tomorrow and can't get a relative to take him either but I'm seriously considering staying home Friday with him because I dont want him to go back with a sick child and the director not there to address the feeding issues. Is that too harsh of a reaction, what else can I do? Advice? And thanks fellow parents!Oh! And another thing; the new teacher told me I should start to wean him because once he's moves to the 2's they won't give him bottles. But she has wasted the pumped milk I sent him with, twice, it already seems she is enforcing that. I've worked very hard on our nursing relationship and am so proud to make it this far, im not giving up til we are ready. I believe it's healthy and good for him and I want him to have it still. Do I not get a choice? I can only give him my breastmilk at home?Tldr; Daycare made a lot of changes to my son's schedule abruptly and we arent taking to it well. They are also knowingly allowing a child with bronchitis into his classroom. Director is gone, should I keep him home til she returns and can address our concerns? via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2A1CE3g
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