Sunday, 25 June 2017

Undoing damage caused by babysitting grandma

Hey everyone 👋🏻For the past 2 months (4/1/17 to 6/10/17) my newly 3 year old daughter was living with my mother Wednesday to Friday. I was home Sat-Tues, but we lived in the same home and my daughter would run away from me screaming to be with my mother because she didn't like how "mean" I am compared to her, and I let it happen (no comments on that please)I'm not mean, I just have expectations of my daughter and limits for her. I was raised by my mother, so I can say with confidence that she does not.My mum completely undid a ton of Daughter's good habits, mostly surrounding food and clothesFor instance she allowed Daughter to ask for a never-ending array of snacks and leave them around to pick at. Now my daughter won't finish anything except a cheese stick.She also allowed Daughter to watch TV during meals, and since Daughter paid more attention to the show than the food, my mother started spoon-feeding her. Now daughter hollers for a show & won't just sit down and eat a meal even without one.So she's constantly hungry and constantly bitchy. I've resorted to spoon feeding her several times now because it was obvious her blood sugar had fallen so far she wasn't gonna be capable, but I am horrified. We did baby led weaning and I didn't spoonfeed her as an infant so spoonfeeding her at 3 is just.... 😱Clothes. My daughter believes she should get to change into a new pretty dress literally 5-8 times a day. She will throw a fit and has actually torn stitches in what she's wearing trying to rip it off herself. Now she's discovered if she pisses herself or spits on herself or dumps food, she has to change. I don't have a problem with her changing a lot, I keep her clothes down where she can access them & have tried very hard to teach her to change on her own, but she wants to be dressed by me, and that's my issue. I am not going to stop cooking or cleaning to change her dress when I just did it 10min ago, and I don't want to be screamed at about her clothes repeatedly all day.This morning I am nearing my wit's end.Yesterday afternoon around 4PM I gave her a small bowl of banana and blueberries. She had a choice between many items and chose these. Did not eat them. At 5PM she started asking for "a treat". I told her if she ate her snack, she could have dinner, and if she had dinner, she could have a treat. She chose to go to bed hungry rather than eat the blueberries and banana she asked for.Now it's morning and I threw away the snack from yesterday with her watching. Asked what she wanted for breakfast, cereal or eggs? She chose eggs. As soon as I started making them she started babbling and weeping about wanting "a treat". It's now been 90 minutes and there's still eggs left on her plate, she's crabby because she's hungry and I wanted to take her for a fucking donut before hitting up the playground by 8AM, but I can't. I can't even bring her to the playground because she's hungry.She's begging to go back and live with Grandma again.Short of spoon feeding her and perpetuating this what on earth do I do?Thank you for reading via /r/Parenting

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