Tuesday, 25 April 2017

I think I'm ruining my (4yr) daughter. Please help.

My daughter turned 4 at the beginning of April. She is very sensitive, She doesn't know how to display her emotions. If she's angry she cries not tantrums just tears, anxious she cries. She has happy and she has crying.She's very well mannered and constantly complementing people but I see my anxiety in her. I see her fear, and her stress. SHE'S 4! I have always told myself that a child's job is to be a KID, all of my issues are being displayed through her.I have been a negative person for the past 1.5 years. In the past year our family has been through 4 surgeries, 1 for my daughter (tonsils, adenoids, and ear tubes), I had my tonsils out 1 week before my daughter (if you're an adult, don't do it... I've had several surgeries, I would rather have died than with the pain I went through with tonsils), then after i finally healed from that one I had a surgery on each foot (both leaving me non weight bearing or driving for weeks at a time) My outlook on life has not been good. I'm in constant pain and my anxiety and depression go to extremes.I just want to be a good mom. If I can be nothing else in life then a good mom then I will consider myself lucky. I want my daughter to look back and see that I did all that I could and more for her when she was little.I mean we go to the splash pad and park with her all the time, but how do get her emotionally well.What can i tell myself to not sweat the small things, or fly off the handle after 1 too many things go wrong, how to I not sweat the small stuff. I know this is all my doing, I want to correct it. I don't want my beautiful little girl feeling anxious or stressed that I'm going to get mad that she dropped food on the just mopped floor. I want her to feel loved and safe.TLDR: how do I fix myself for my daughters sake. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2pf44Pg

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