Ok, I'm raising my 5 year old daughter with 4 core rules; 2. Don't lie, 2. Don't cheat, 3. Don't steal, 4. Be nice. [5. Circumstances are everything. {she doesn't get to learn that one until she turns 10}.] Along with these rules, I make sure she knows that if someone doesn't agree with her rules, and treat her how's she tries to treat them, to nicely walk away, and play with someone else.The problem is: we live in an apartment complex. Apartment kids in general just go out of their way to cause mischief. (Breaking glass bottles, pulling trash from the dumpsters, swearing and making sexually explicit suggestions to each other, stealing each other's toys, fighting, etc.) Mind you, these kids range from 4 to 12.So here's the grey area: a large amount of these kids acting like this, are Black and Spanish. She's already had a few altercations with some of the kids her age, one stepped on her fingers when she was climbing up the playground ladder, one was trying to spit juice down on her when she was on the slide, one called her a bitch because she wouldn't let one of them wear her hat, (we had a lice episode, and she vows never to go through that again.)Because of all these encounters, she's been wary of black kids, and some darker spanish kids. She's becoming prejudiced, and I'm worried. She has no problem playing with the Indian girls or Cambodian twins in our housing, but what panicked me is when she explained that "I'm not afraid of baby dolls any more, just the brown ones." (My daughter had been TERRIFIED of baby dolls since she was an infant, mannequins, bridget heads, whatever) guys, I need advice.TL/DR: The kids in my apartment complex act like little assholes sometimes, coincidentally the ones who really caused her grief were Black and Spanish. She's purposely avoiding them, and showing signs of prejudiced racism. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2ooBL34
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