Twice now my three year old has woken up around 3am screaming bloody murder. He continues to scream bloody murder and be inconsolable for 30 to 45 minutes. Completely unresponsive to me. Finally, after about 30 minutes of me trying to calm him down he'll become somewhat responsive and let me cuddle him or respond to my suggestions like "do you want a lullaby" or "do you want me to rock you?" He'll still be hysterical but will respond to my attempts to interact with him for another 30 minutes. Finally, after at least an hour to hour and a half total of crying he'll calm down enough to talk to me. He tells me he had a nightmare and tells me what it was about and he insists on reading a book or watching the iPad where he'll drift back off to sleep.In the morning he remembers his nightmares and continues to reference them for weeks.Also, last night he kept screaming "owie" and rubbing his eyes. I think he even referenced his eyes in some of his screams. He also kept screaming for his iPad and when I gave it to him he didn't want to turn it on, just hold it. He insisted I carry it around with us when I took him to the rocking chair. I'm not sure if it was a nightmare around not being able to see and something happening to our iPad or maybe he had a migraine and that's what his eye complaints were about and he wanted to watch the iPad to calm down but the headache wouldn't let him???It just seems way too intense to just be nightmares and the fact that he recalls these episodes and the fact that he is awake and responsive after seems like they aren't night terrors. I'm completely at a loss and could use some guidance. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2hIewhP
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