Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Haven't Slept Properly In Over A Year, At My Wit's End. (X-Posted)

I feel dumb posting this because this is my third child and I ought to have this shit down by now, but clearly not.My daughter is eight months old - I had terrible insomnia when pregnant so at this point I haven't gotten a decent night's sleep in over a year. She STILL eats every 2-3 hours or more. During the day she'll take solids pretty well and nurse usually just a couple of times, but at night she's up at least every 2-3 hours, sometimes every hour on bad nights. We've tried giving her solids right before bed, we've tried formula in case it fills her up more (normally I breastfeed), we've tried not feeding her when she wakes but if we don't she screams for over an hour while we try to comfort her in other ways. If I feed her, she immediately goes back to sleep. She doesn't take a pacifier.I literally can't function anymore without more sleep. It's like stumbling around drunk all the time and I constantly forget what I'm doing in the middle of doing it. (For example, as I type this I just remembered that I got out everything to put in the crockpot for dinner and wandered away halfway through and left it all sitting out.) Someone please tell me how I can get this kid to sleep - if not through the night, at least only waking up once or twice. Neither of my older children were waking this often at eight months, I don't know what to do at this point. via /r/Parenting

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