Sunday, 1 January 2017

Father with no head space.

Hi everyone.Im looking for advice on an issue that has been boggling my mind. 6 months ago, as a 31 year old father of two great kids, I contracted mononucleosis/glandular fever. I believe my kids contracted it from a little girl who was really sick; they shared a drink. Prior to my illness I was able to work my shift in my high stress job, come home and play with the kids. Fast forward to today, I find myself barely getting by through work with fatigue and brain fog. I feel awful because I'm not able to play with them as much as before being ill.What I have discovered as well as part of my recovery is what I've deemed the need for head space. I've always been a private person who worked better alone. I love playing with my kids but I'm noticing now I need that time to myself again.My question is how does everyone manage time with yourself and time with your family. Am I selfish? My wife doesn't seem to understand this need and my kids, being 2 and 4 don't really care about my needs lol.Also, as a side question, has anyone experienced mono in adulthood and having brain fog and fatigue from it?Any advice is welcome. Thank you in advance! via /r/Parenting

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