Sunday, 25 December 2016

I got called elitist for complaining about medicaid for my children

Here is the background...I grew up in foster care. The social workers were not always nice. As a teen in foster care, even though I was a great teen, good grades, never got in to trouble, clean cut, didn't drink, do drugs, or even have sex..did everything I was supposed to do, but the social workers could be ruthless. It was not uncommon to get told by a social worker that kids like us (me and my fellow fosters at the time) will never amount to anything, we will never own anything, we will always be in the system, etc. Even when I went to college, the university I was at, some people there in administration and other students treated me horribly over having been in foster care. For the record, NO ONE goes to foster care because they did something wrong. 100% of the people in foster care got there because their parents were unable or unwilling to parent right. But there is a lot of prejudice and it was only worse in the 70's and 80's than now.I managed to put myself through college. Back then, there was no financial aid based on being a former foster child. There is now, but not back then so I had to pay my way through. I met my husband. I am a stay-at-home mom and I have also done a lot of volunteer work.My husband recently got laid off. Fortunately, we are not spenders. I have always invested our money. I do not have expensive clothes or purses or shoes. I don't get manicures or pedicures. My minivan is old and the other small car is even older (as in almost 13 yrs old). We have enough money saved to last a year without state assistance.However, due to ACA and not wanting to be fined at the end of the year, I had to apply for ACA. The application was awful. Then, at the end, we were told the kids had to be placed on medicaid and the adults only qualified for ACA. And ACA was $1000 a month when our only income is unemployment. On the ACA application, when they said the kids needed to be on medicaid, they deleted the kids. Then they said I had to redo the paperwork to add the kids back in because they will be on my tax return.I filled out a separate application for medicaid. That application was redundant and tedious. I know the applications are not the same in every state, so I will try to explain some of it. For one thing, I had to give our entire address for every child and every person actually. There was no "click if they live in the primary home" option. At the end of each question I answered, I also had to click "done" and then at the end of each section, I had to click "next." This meant a bunch of more clicks and pages loading. I also had to declare ..for example, how I am related to each person in the household. That meant several entries as it had to be a separate entry for each one. Then I had to list how my husband was related to everyone in the household, including me, even though I already entered that. Then I had to repeat for each child, answering for everyone, even though it was redundant. I had to list that the 15 yr old was the brother of the 12 yr old. The I had to list that the 15 yr old was the brother of the 7 yr old, and so on. But on the 12 yr old, I also had to list that the 12 yr old was the brother of the 15 yr old, and so on.Then once all this was completed, they called me for a phone interview. A week or so later, I got medicaid cards. Then I received over 15 large packets of paperwork to fill out, and no one to ask what it was all about. THEN, I got another call saying I had to go through another interview and that call took over two hours to complete. AND THEN, I now got another call stating I had to do an orientation. I have to do one orientation per child.I feel "triggered" with flash backs of how rude and condescending the social workers were to me, as if I am of lower value for having been homeless as a child, for having been a foster child. And now, here I am, wasting my time on endless paperwork and phone interviews and orientations. I do not even want the medicaid.Then when I posted about my experience on another board, not Reddit, I got told that my time is worthless, that I am not working for pay anyway so my time is worth nothing, and that I am an elitist for objecting to this process.This process is so inefficient, it devalues a person to have to do it. I do not think it is ok. I think only an elitist would tell someone that because they have low or no income, their time is worthless. I feel like I am right back at that "place" I was emotionally as a child, with no freedom, and being torn down for being in foster care. I have skimped and saved all these years so that on a day like today, when we do not have insurance, we can pay our own bills. And even if I had not, no one should be forced to do this rude, cumbersome thing that I am being forced to go through.Maybe I am being too sensitive, but I am tired of being devalued as a person. Having little to no income should not mean that I am worthless and at the whim and will of whomever. Sorry, I am just crying about this because it has been hard enough. I think some people like to throw around terms like "elitist" to feel good about their own elitist ways. via /r/Parenting

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