Monday, 1 August 2016

Help with 20mo Son

First time poster, I'm really hoping that someone in here can help me and my wife. we are parents of two beautiful children, Flynn 20mo and Isla 4 weeks. for the past two months, Flynn has been an absolute nightmare. If he doesn't get his way with absolutely anything, he let's out these blood curdling screams. If the wife and I argue, blood curdling screams. If we go to the shop, blood curdling screams. The crying and frustration and whinging and screaming is getting to the point that I completely lose my temper with him. I've even yelled at him in return in frustration. (not proud of that one). If we ask him what's wrong, he just screams louder. We've tried time out, smacking his hand lightly, ignoring him, distraction and nothing seems to work. Once he gets going it's almost impossible to get him to stop unless he decides to. It's awful. My marriage is suffering and I feel like a terrible dad. any advice on how I can either help him to know that screaming is bad, or how I can effectively manage this behaviour. (on a side note, he doesn't know what being quiet means, or how to use a quiet voice and I can't seem to teach him that either).Any advice is greatly appreciated, we are at wits end. via /r/Parenting

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