Saturday, 27 August 2016

Long-ago poster - Thank You

Hello r/Parenting - posting with a new account as its been a hectic year+ and I don't remember the old log in credentials....About a year and a half ago I posted here out of desperation. I was pregnant, in an emotionally, physically, and sexually abusive relationship. I had come to the community, knowing what was coming, and trying to prepare myself for what was coming shortly ( first time mother, supporting myself, my "partner", and his deadbeat cousin all on my salary) while dealing with my home situation.I had been in denial, and you all helped me realize that I couldn't keep playing into the addiction that is an abusive situation. No "last time" that he'd hit me for cooking the wrong dinner, or accepting being told I was a distrustful c*** for trying to get emotional support from my parents. I was in denial, because you can't admit that you're in trouble when you're seen as strong, as an educated woman (Masters) with a high end job ( upper management).I was willingly lying to myself, until you lovely folks told me it wasn't going to just be about me anymore. And soon after the time came, and I had my beautiful, amazing daughter. And he tried. Once. To hurt her. We were gone, left everything behind, with a drained bank account and only what fit in the trunk, off to stay with my parents. A long legal battle later, paid for by their generosity, and custody was secured.So thank you. For all the hell we went through, for all the pain and unimaginable shit he put me through, she was worth every second. K is now a year and a half old, and sleeping on the bed next to me as I sit here feeling overly sentimental and needing to share with some folks.. but thank you.For any mothers, or fathers, out there in rough situations, do whatever is needed to protect your kids. At the end of the day, you're what they have to look up to, and to protect them. If you need someone to talk to, or just someone to vent to, please dont hesitate to pm me. There's help around you, whenever you're ready. via /r/Parenting

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