Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Cleaning up- preschooler who doesn't listen or care to lose them

My 3.5yo is very capable of cleaning up his toys. He's been doing it since he was just over 1yo. Now he flatly refuses. It's a major battle. If I tell him, he can't have the toy anymore if I have to clean them he will just tell me to take it then. He doesn't care if I throw it away or donate! What options do I have?Example, he throws his Legos on the floor. I tell him he has to play with them in his room because of his little sister. He can play with the next toy once the Legos are cleaned up. He will cry, make excuses about a bug in his room, a scratch that he needs a bandaid for, being scared of the sun shining in his room, wants to be held because he's sad, his stomach hurts. Things that never bother him until he has to clean up. I'm going nuts here running out of options. How long do I give him to clean up?Is it appropriate to tell him he can't leave his room until they are picked up? Am I expecting too much from him? I'm so sick of this constant battle. I already have a bunch of his toys sitting in the shed. Do I just keep taking them even if he doesn't care? I already give him a ton of positive affirmation when he does things well and without a fight. I feel like that's not even helping. via /r/Parenting

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