Sunday, 28 August 2016

Is there such a thing as too much sleep?

I'd like to preface my question by stating I am not complaining, trolling, or looking for the usual "go see a doctor" responses if that's alright. I'm just hoping to read about others' experiences if you're willing to share.My son is nearly 13 months old and has been sleeping through the night for several months. He is one of those "spirited" kiddos - fiery, energetic, intelligent and otherwise quite healthy. My concern is that lately he's been sleeping a lot and I'm uncertain as to whether I can chalk it up to a simple growth spurt. As an example, yesterday he had a 5-hour nap but still needed to go to bed earlier than usual (6pm). He slept until 7:15am and didn't make a peep all night, so that equates to just over 18 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. He did have a short-lived virus last week but it was mild and he is not currently teething. Since he has been a miserable baby from birth it's difficult for me to tell whether his crankiness has truly increased, but honestly he is pretty unmanageable. He is eating fine and is not showing any signs of physical discomfort.Has anyone else experienced something similar at this age? Should I be limiting his naps or letting things ride themselves out? He usually takes two solid naps a day (the daycare tries to limit him to one, which I don't completely agree with) and his bedtime is 6:30pm. I strongly feel that if he's sleeping this much it's because his body needs it, but I'm the first to admit I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just hoping that his excessive sleep is not contributing to his crankiness. via /r/Parenting

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