Saturday, 27 August 2016

Food allergy or cold?

Bit of background: When my son was a baby, if he had dairy or beef he would break out in a rash and get bad reflux. Later on we tried reintroducing dairy and realized it was causing ear infections. Since then i've avoided beef when possible too just in case.Well fast forward to last night he ate an entire beef burger. This morning he sounds super congested. So I don't know if it's just a coincidence and he's getting a cold, or if the beef is to blame. I mean that sounds crazy to me, but if dairy causes ear infections, it seems possible the beef made him sick as well, it's the same animal after all.Obviously this is a discussion for his doctor, but I wanted to know - do any of you have kids with food allergies that react this way? Does my logic sound plausible or ridiculous? via /r/Parenting

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