Friday, 27 December 2019

My daughter (12) doesn't want to go to a therapist

So about a month ago my husband and I sat down with our daughter to talk some things we are worried about with her. She changed quite a lot over the past year which is pretty normal for puberty. But there also have been things that in the grande total make me believe there might be more to it and it might be that we can no longer help her with her emotions and problems.She doesn't have many friends, which is ok. Quality over quantity. But even the one she has left is slowly slipping away. Instead, she seeks friendships online in communities like Amino, which she spends most of her time with. Emotionally she has grown "colder" to us and anyone else. Its ok. No more mama bear hugs. But she's visibly uncomfortable around people, any people. Any social interaction is hard for her. She recently skipped a few hours of school in "drama & arts" because it's so awkward for her to show any emotions. She has never skipped any classes before. She chose that class herself and now it's to late to change it so she will have to "suck it up".A few weeks ago she opened up a bit to me, that she often felt so sad, without any reason. I held her in my arms and told her it's okay to just be sad sometimes. Recently we found out that she at least once talked online with her "friends" that she feels sometimes depressed and had thoughts about suicide. Its just all those things that add up where I can no longer ignore them and blame it on puberty. Maybe it is just that. Maybe it isn't, I don't care, I cant stand the feeling of being so helpless so I told her I'd be looking for a therapist nearby so I can make an appointment for us to see how we might get help for her/us. The appointment is in early february.Now I told my daughter about it and she absolutely does not want to go. She's deflecting, doesn't understand why she has to go, she's feeling better now and just because she said/thought those things once, she can't understand why I want her to go see a psychiatrist now.My husband is not really that helpful as I had hoped too..."She needs more friends! She shouldn't be so lonely!" Well...duh! Thanks Captain Obvious! And the cherry on the icing was when he got wind of the argument between me and my daughter, he said: " Don't make her more sick than she is" or something like that to the tune of "Woman, don't blow this out of proportion". Excuse me wtf? My 12 yo daughter is thinking about suicide - if that's not something to make a fuss about I don't know what is. Uuughh.I'm sorry, I don't even know why I posted on here, what I was hoping for. Maybe I just needed to vent. Or reassurance. Am I doing the right thing? Am I blowing this out of proportion? Maybe any other moms/dad's with a similar situation? For now, I told her, I understand that she doesn't want to go. But there is still a months time left and I hope she will change her mind. And that I love her way too much to just ignore the stuff that happened. via /r/Parenting

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