Sunday, 29 December 2019

1 year old cries a lot and throws tantrums - Is this normal?

Our baby is nearly 1 year old. It's the first for my wife and I so we don't really know what is normal and what's a sign for concern.Our baby used to be pretty easy going up until about 6 months or so. The first issue was with the car seat, where one day she decided she hated it and from then on she would scream and put her feet down and arch her back to not let us put her in the seat. She usually cries and screams until she falls asleep.A month or two later it was bathing where she would cry and scream. Then she decided she hated putting on clothes. Then she started hating being put into her stroller. Now it seems like almost everything we do she cries and throws a tantrum. It's not every time with everything, but I'd say with things like the car seat and stroller she'll cry 100% of the time, but things like bathing and putting on clothes it's like 50/50. Putting her on my wife's breast will immediately calm her down, and also if you distract her with something to play with she'll usually calm down immediately, but it requires constant distraction or she'll start screaming again.Is this normal for a 1 year old? If so, when does it usually get better? via /r/Parenting

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