Friday, 27 December 2019

Am I making my kiddos grow up too fast?

During a family get together one of my in laws gave me what I felt to be inappropriate parenting advice. I have 4 kiddos, daughter 14, stepson 13, stepdaughter 11 and daughter 8. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and I have been very open with my 2 oldest about it. I never want them to think that they are the cause of my bad days. Now this in law pushes me to open up to her about how I'm feeling, my traumas etc. I've been working on it but when I told her that I've been open with the kids about my bipolar and my bad days she became angry with me. Told me that I needed to let my children be children and not know about adult issues. That if I continued to have adult conversations with them that they would grow up to hate and blame me not not having a childhood. I have an open door policy with my kiddos. The majority of the time they are comfortable coming to me with uncomfortable situations. I never get into the nitty gritty about my bad days or about my traumas. I've explained what my diagnosis is and what happens to my brain and my emotions during either my depressive or manic state. Am I wrong for talking to them about this? via /r/Parenting

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