Friday, 27 December 2019

I dont have a baby or toddler running around anymore, and I realize I've lost myself along the way

My daughter turned 6 today (son is almost 4) and it just dawned on me, I no longer have a baby or toddler at home. I am so used to having to have my eyes on a little one 24/7, so used to babyproofing, fixing meals, bottles,sippy cups,kissing boo boos, searching for special toys and blankets, etc. That I somehow missed that the choas of that time in my life has slowed significantly. I still do a lot of that of course but they're older now, they communicate in full sentences, play independently and together without me having to be involved. They can operate their tablets without me having to be right there to assist them. They can walk up and down stairs without holding my hand, etc. I find myself with time I'm not used to having to myself. I took a shower alone and uninterrupted in the middle of the day yesterday, while kiddos were having a snack and watching a movie on my bed, within earshot of course but when you have an infant and toddler or either one of those age groups, mid day showers alone are a real real rarity if not impossibility. I have been lost in my thoughts today, I have no hobbies, no real interests, no fun in my life really. The highlight of my week as far as fun for myself is Saturday night when the kids go to bed, downing a bottle of wine alone and having sex with my husband. Pretty sad. I have no friends. I have just been so absorbed in being mom since 2013 I don't even know who I am anymore besides mom. I work 40hrs a week in a job that is isolating, and also involves me taking care of babies and toddlers, so Kids have been 80% of my company and conversation for 6 years.. I find myself lonely often lately and frankly bored. I dont know where to go from this normal to feel this way when your babies enter early childhood and need you less? via /r/Parenting

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