Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Am I depressed or is this just parenting?

I’ve been a stay at home mother for around five years and have a 5F and a 2M. My daughter starts school in eight weeks. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs with my daughter. She’s a real handful — highly strung, dramatic, rage-filled tantrums over everything. I honestly feel like I’m being abused. Anyway right now I just feel like I can’t cope any more. Every time one of my kids starts to scream at me or hurt me physically I just want to give up, I burst into tears and shout at them because I’ve just had enough.I’m counting down until school starts and planning to go back to work or study next year, but it just occurred to me that maybe anti-depressants would help. I feel like if I could just have a bit more patience and better ability to cope I could be a better parent.Does anyone have any wisdom for me... do others feel like this? Is it me or are kids just really this difficult? via /r/Parenting

Papa might die. I don’t know what to do.

My 4 year old is incredibly close to his papa, my step dad. They have been best friends since my son was born and they do absolutely everything together.That’s all great and I love that they have such a close relationship, but my step dad has Cardiomyopathy. He has a defibrillator in that he has been shocked by 3 times in the past year and is going in tomorrow to have a heart pump put in. He is officially on the transplant list.Papa has had 3 siblings die from this. The most recent being his 31 year old sister 2 weeks ago. She had gotten a transplant but her body rejected the heart 8 months in. You can probably see why we are worried.I don’t know how to tell my son if things go wrong or what to do! This could be the first time he’s experienced a death of someone he’s close to and it just has to be his absolutely favorite person.What would you do in this situation?TLDR: Papa has a big chance of dying. What do I do if it happens? What would I tell my son? via /r/Parenting

Husband yelling at 5 month old? Dont know how to talk to him.

My Husband other and I have a 5 month old daughter. Most of the time I am the primary care giver. I work shorter overnight shifts, every night, now that she sleeps through the night, so the most he has to do is really give her a pacifier, MAYBE change a diaper.He doesnt have to even feed her, I feed her before I leave for work as part of my routine, has she sleeps for about 7 hours, waking up about a half hour after I get home. So nothing to do there.Aside from mondays. Mondays are one of his three days off, and is a day I have set aside for running household errands, laundry, meal prep, ect. ( my days are scheduled down to the 15 minute mark. It should be noted I also am finishing my degree online, so I really have no spare time )Monday, I ended up haveing a killer migraine so I cut the out of the house errands short so after the absolute nessecities.And I come home to my husband SCREAMING at our daughter. I had put her down for a nap about an hour and a half prior, and he decided to take one to sence usually shes a pretty good napper. Well, he waited to long doing something on his computer and was only asleep for what I guess walls maybe 20 minutes before she woke up.Instead of cutting his nap short and waiting for HER next nap or just waiting for me to get home ( which maybe would have only been another hour or so if I hadent cut errands short, he didnt bother to ask ) he just kept trying to nap, and giveing her a pacifier whenever she would cry.Well, she was done with her nap so it didnt work, and she continued to cry.By the time I get home he is shaking in rage. She is clearly terrorfied and takeing big shameing hiccupy breaths, and she has clearly been like with tears crying ( she doesnt do that very often )I told her I would take her downstairs so he can get a nap and everyone can calm down. He slams the door behind me and goes to sleep.I have NO idea how to talk to him about what happened. It took nearly a half an hour of cuddles and lullabies in a rocking chair to get her calm and give me a smile. I want to make it clear she wasnt even crying at this point. She was trembeling and silent.I need to make sure this isnt a regular thing when I am not around. I've never seen anything like this between them before, but I also am the one who does 99% of any of the baby care.He gets so defensive when anyone questions his parenting, he has a rough time with feedings because she wants to be in breast-feeding position so she tries to turn her head when he is holding the bottle, and it really irritates him. I thought it was an endearing moment but when chuckled at his struggles ( because i go through the same thing when i use the bottle ) he got really miffed.I dont even know how to bring it up. With his defensiveness it can be difficult, because I dont want him to go into the conversation already upset, but I NEED to make sure this isnt a regular thing. Seeing her that upset, silent and shaking, deeply disturbed me and I dont even for sure know wtf happened.I have up untill this point never had anything but utter faith and trust in him and I hate that I feel this unease. Maybe it's because I came home early to something completely unexpected, or because I've never seen such agression from him.Does anyone have any advise? I am particularly looking for insight from fathers here. I do not have any male family or friends to really ask for advice. How do I bring it up and talk to him, how do I start the conversation? Do I even bring it up at all? I dont know how to quell my worries without doing so but I feel like it's a discussion that needs to be mad, but maybe I am wrong. Any insight would be helpfull. via /r/Parenting

My son has no friends to celebrate his birthday with. I thought this would get better but this was easier when he was 7.

I just need to rant.My oldest turns 14 tomorrow. He has always struggled to make friends and it has gotten harder as he has gotten older. Elementary school was hard but middle school was downright brutal. He's got a lot of issues with confidence, codependency, and empathy. Combine that with not liking things that most teen boys are into (sports, girls, social media, etc) and he's left out even in groups that initially accept him. We encouraged him to join clubs but haven't had much success in forming real friendships that sustain outside of school.I asked him what he wants to do for his birthday tomorrow and he said he just wants to sleep in without his siblings waking him up. I asked if he wanted to go out to dinner and he declined. He asked for us to not get him a cake either and doesn't really want his birthday acknowledged. I'm certain it's because of the lack of friends issue.When he was 7 and no one came to his party, we were still able to make it fun for him. I wish he was 7 again. This vs were easier back then. via /r/Parenting

Please don’t die today. It’s laundry day.

My parents gave us some hooters shirts for my lovely tiny human boob monster. They are so tacky, but we use them as night shirts. I absolutely never want anything to happen to my LO, but when I dress him like that, the part of my brain that was affected by my mother always telling us to wear clean underwear kicks in and there’s an extra voice that says oh god please not tonight! via /r/Parenting

Once again, to have a 2nd child or not

So ive posted before, debating on wether to try for a 2nd child. Quick backstory, I'm 44 and wife is 41. We have a 14 month old daughter. Both work full time jobs with different days off. Just bought a house that sucks up alot of money. Have 2 car payments, doctor bills every month, we are not rich so we have to watch what we spend.So, about 4 months ago, I decided in order to avoid resentment from wife and to give our daughter a sibling, which I do want, I agreed to try for another. Ive talked it over with a therapist also, and he pointed out and made me think of things that I havent thought of. I really thought it over and talked to my wife about things also and decided to go ahead and try. Within a month we found out she was pregnant. But 2 months later she had a miscarriage, due to the initial conception of the egg just not being fertilized correctly, no other reason we are told. She really took it hard, blaming herself, blaming god, very depressed. She sought counseling and after a couple weeks of constant crying She seems pretty much back to normal now. She wants to try again and I'm leaning towards not. If this would happen again it would be just devastating. Not to mention all the other reasons, financial, exhausting, lack of sleep, that I dont want to go through again. Also, wife is overweight so that on top of age we are kind of a high risk.Today she brought up something about a toy almost being broke and to not break it in case we have another, while waiting for my reaction. She does this sometimes to judge my reaction, and it bothers the piss out of me. I said dont know if I want another. She said she didnt understand and I was going back on my word since I said yes 4 months ago before the miscarriage and its not fair. Btw, We still cant try yet due to miscarraige complications anyway, and I told her previously I'm not going to talk or decide for a bit (for like a month or two).It's her dream to have 2 kids and basically I expect resentment for the rest of my life if I dont have another. At the same time I feel our relationship and individual health will struggle, and I may end up resenting her if I give in and do try for another. Just for clarification I never agreed to 2 kids when we got married, was on the fence about having one. I can surely say I'm glad we have our daughter now though.Anyway I hope this isnt too incoherent and random, my thoughts are kinda all over the place. Guess I'm just lookimg for aome justification, because I feel like my wife seems to make it out as though I'm completwly wrong for not wanting to have another. Thanks for reading.Edit: maybe I should post this in marriage? via /r/Parenting

Does anyone else make up movie names to suggest to watch with your kids that are the most boring sounding documentaries?

I'll suggest titles such as, Tick-tock: The History of Clocks, Bright Ember: The story of Domestic fires, Lay it Out: the history of flooring, Sticks and Stones: the development of regional abodes, PLUS! The Addition Agenda, Sniff: The Story of Drying Paint, Panflutes: The Sound of the ages, All tied up:The History of Knots via /r/Parenting

Childcare tears

We recently moved house without 2.9 year old and 9 month old. Our oldest absolutely loved her old childcare and her teachers. At her new childcare she screams, cries and holds me so tight when we drop her off it’s heartbreaking. She has only been there almost 3 weeks.Our instinct is to not linger to long and make her think her tantrums are working but if she is genuinely distressed I also don’t want to leave to quick.After some experience or advice if possible.Thanks in advance. via /r/Parenting

How do you single parents find time to yourselves?

I have a gorgeous seven month old daughter and am a stay at home, single mum. She’s the light of my life and I couldn’t be happier, we spend every second of every day together.My problem comes after her bed time. It’s so nice to get to watch TV and browse the internet and just chill out that I end up staying up as late as one in the morning doing nothing important but enjoying the peace.This needs to stop! I’m so exhausted in the mornings, how do you guys find the time to just relax? I have some family to help with baby sitting if I have something very important to do but I feel asking so I can just chill in front of the TV would not go down too well. via /r/Parenting

My mom asked my 4yo son who his best friend was

And he replied "My sister, she is my favorite person in the whole world!" His sister is two and completely obsessed with her older brother, I hope they stay this close forever. via /r/Parenting

I'm both impressed and worried about my child's keen sense intrigue and determination...need toy advice!

While working in the dinning room, 11mo gated in living room, I heard a noise I only assumed was Q playing. Then I looked up and saw Q walking towards me. THIS KID UNLATCHED THE GATE. I tightened the gate and moved my work into the living room with him. After lunch I see him in his walker. I did not put him in his walker. THIS KID CLIMBED INTO HIS WALKER AND JUST SAT THERE. He's always trying to open and get into everything, see under the furniture, climb on everything, basically explore and test out everything. He will practice doing things (ex. Taking one step up and then down on the stairs, over and over and over). I love the spirit and it's amazing to watch. BUT as the parent it's difficult to find a place for him to channel that so he's not breaching the baby gates at a year of life. Anyone have any toy suggestions for Q to focus that energy on?TL;DR Looking for toys to keep my curious kids attention so he'll not focus so much on how to open doors, gates, and other baby protective measures we've set up around the house. via /r/Parenting

When do you stop bathing with your baby?

My baby girl is turned one a couple months ago. I'm a single dad with not a ton of help, so I just bring her with me when I shower before class. She likes to sit in the tub and just play with her bath toys/the water while I shower, and I wash her too about every other day. It saves water and time, man.But I don't want to traumatize my girl!! She can't talk yet and doesn't seem to recognise nudity at all (she'd live naked if I let her) so I'm assuming it's still okay. How old is too old to shower with her though? via /r/Parenting

[Humor] Kids say the darndest things...

So I took my almost 5 yr old daughter to visit my midwest family last week, she finally got to meet my older brother for the first time. So one morning after a shower I enter the kitchen and my mom has a huge grin and comes up to me, "your daughter just sauntered up to your brother and his wife, and giggling, blurted out, 'my mommy has a hairy kiki!' And ran off laughing". My kid refers to her lady parts as her kiki... mortified all I could stammer out was "hey I trim!" As my mom busted up again. Thanks kid, way to overshare smh... via /r/Parenting

Circumcising my son. Having doubts

Editing post since I think it's relevant. This is the video that changed my view on circumcision. Is it valid or not? I'm Swedish but living in America, I'm in 2 minds about what I should do in regards to my unborn son. In Sweden we don't generally circumcise boys, but in the USA, most people do. A video I just saw has completely altered my way of looking at circumcision and made me doubt where I'd ever want to put my son through this.As experienced parents, please advise, should I go through with it or not? via /r/Parenting

Weekly- Wallet Wednesday- July 31, 2019

This is a weekly thread where you can share pictures of your children and cute, crazy or awful things they have done. Please upload your pictures through Imgur and post the link as a comment. Feel free to share the context of the picture! If you are not a parent yourself, this is the place to ask us anything. Also, if you ever wonder who we are, click here to meet the mod team! via /r/Parenting

My daughter was injured at daycare and I don't think I'm getting the full story from them

My daughter is 22 months. She goes to a daycare with kids from 6 weeks to 5 years, but is in a class with other kids under 2. I got a call from my daughter's daycare yesterday that her hand got slammed in a door while going to gym time (where all of the kids around 2 get together to play) and I needed to come get her.My first reaction was accidents happen and it was probably some kind of cut, but how much damage could a toddler closing a door really do.When I got there, there was a lot of blood, but I had no idea how bad it was other than she was definitely going to lose the nail. The school director told me her hand was in the back of the door by the hinges and a child kept trying to close the door while her hand was in it.We went to her primary doctor who sent us straight to the ER. Long story short, she has a hairline fracture and needed 1 stitch under her nail. I know the doors at daycare are big, but they don't automatically close and I just can't see how a 2 year old or even a 5 year old could have created enough force to hurt her so badly. Some of the teachers do bring their 8-10 year olds kids in the summer who hang around in the classrooms. My thought is it might have been one of these kids helping their mom that caused the accident.My questions: how do I approach this with the director? I realize that no matter who caused the accident, it was still an accident, but, at the end of the day, my daughter is badly hurt and I want to what really happened and that it won't happen again. Also, am I out of line asking for reimbursement or at least help with medical bills? I made sure everywhere we went was in network, but a pediatric ER is still going to cost an arm and a leg, even with insurance and she needs to see a hand specialist in a week.Tl;dr: My daughter got badly injured at daycare and their story isn't adding up. I think an older kid who doesn't go to the daycare caused an accident and I'm not sure how to approach this with the director. via /r/Parenting

son doesnt like his skin color

ok this is a difficult one for me... I'm (40m) Puerto Rican (key from key and peele complexion) my wife is (38f) Lupita Nyong'o we go.. we have been fostering to adopt 2 brothers 4 and 5 for about 1.5 yrs both are the same complexion as my wife ( Lupita) my 4 yr old says he doesn't like his complexion he wants to be light like daddy (Me) so I go about telling him we are all made different and special in our own way. I explain to him in paw patrol language and it seemed to resonate. I explained if chase were red would he still be chase ? or would he be marshall ? if Marshall were pink would he still be marshall or would he be sky.. he seemed to grasp the concept although I think he has me as a standard of success which is good but I need him to love himself and his skin color which goes along with that. any advice on what I can do to help my youngest ?? Thanks via /r/Parenting

Love is...

I love my son. I love him to bits. And I keep saying "i love you" to him hoping that one day soon he'll say it to us. Last night he picked up his toy mouse, gave it a hug and a squeeze and said "I lub doo". Plenty of smoochy kisses followed. Good to know he cares about his toys. via /r/Parenting

Is it weird if I taste breast milk?

So my daughter is almost a month old and my wife is starting to hand pump. My daughter gobbles up that beast milk. And it's making me so darn curious. Do any other new dad's have the same curiosity?I've managed to keep the curious cat alive so far but man, I wanna try that stuff. via /r/Parenting

Teens and hate speech

I was going through my 15-year-old son's phone when I found an application called Discord. What I found on it was almost 30 message threads and servers filled with hate speech and racism. What really concerns me is that my son was taking a part in it. When I confronted him about it he mostly said that it was what all the boys at his high school say and that they didn't mean it in a hateful way. I really need some help with this one because I never thought my son could have taken part in something like this from the way I raised him. What do I do? via /r/Parenting

I have 3 kids, but I can't stop thinking about giving them up so they have a better life, and then killing myself.

It's mobile. Blah blah misspelling words, sorry, blah blah. Back story, I'm a hoe. Or so I've been told many many times. I have 3 "baby daddies" and 3 amazing kids. Guess I'm a hoe. Let's just say that i never tried to be anything but a good person. That's my take on it. I've gone through hell and back for my kids. But it is never enough. I suffer from bipolar. I take antidepressants. And lately also, adderall. So i can function and keep up with social media parenting. It's a joke. Im just trying to be a good mom constantly and it never seems to be enough.Last couple couple weeks, I've been fighting with my 2 yr olds dad. I can't afford daycare anymore. Im trying to start a business that is not taking off very well. Regardless, he is constantly telling me how worthless i am, how i drag him down to be nothing like i am, he can't turn a hoe into a house wife, a slut, and he talks about my 12 yr old son like he's a worthless pos as well. Idk why i let it get to me. But i do.It don't matter what i do or say or sacrifice for my kids, the dads are constantly putting me down and telling me im a bad parent. It hurts more than words can describe. It's honestly the worst thing someone could say to me. I know im not the best parent, but i try...i try real freaking hard. I don't abuse or neglect, or drink or smoke anything besides cigarettes outside, i always try to keep food in the house even if it's not a home cooked meal. Lots of hamburger helper or breakfast for dinner meals.I try to work. But no employer cares about my sick kids, or my suicidal son and his therapy appts 2x a week. No one cares that my daughter is in competitive cheer and has anxiety. Or that my 2 yr old gets sick every other week. I try to keep a job, but so far, it's a damn joke. I work for an auction company that used to work me 2 or 3 times a week. Now it's more like twice a month. Im trying to start my own painting business but it's very slow going.Bottom line, i have a 2 yr old in daycare every day and it cost me $120 a week. I usually would pay for 2 weeks once i got paid, her dad pays for 2 weeks, and so on.Here's the problem. I've been trying to raise my kids the best i can, regardless of my bipolar. I can't break down cuz the dad's will try to take my kids away if they see even the slightest malfunction. There is no history of malfunction, just me trying to keep up and remember everything with every kid and they all have different schedules, plus my house is starting to turn into a hoarding house, i am barely working, i can't afford anything, but i seem to be relied on the most. All the while im getting so much crap from the other parent that I'm starting to doubt myself.I feel lost, out of control, beat down, and a complete failure. Im so behind on bills that im about to be evicted for the first time in my life, electric and water is about to be disconnected, and I'm having to deal with constant verbal abuse. Im done. I am at the point of giving up my kids to their dads, even tho i feel it's not the best decision. I can't ask for any slack from them cuz then im showing weakness, they all threaten court, although i know the courts favor coparenting. Im trying so hard. Im trying to be a good mom. I'm trying to be responsible.I honestly feel like i could give them up and everyone would think it's a good idea. The problem is that if i don't have my kids, i will die. I know i will kill myself. But a parent has to make the tough decisions so their kids will be the best they can. I know my kids well be better with anyone else than me. I know they will succeed if i let them go. But i don't want to die. And i can't let go of the fact that im so dang selfish that i gotta cling to them and bring them down just so i can hold onto life.They are better off without me. They are amazing kids. Im holding them back. They should be with people that bring them into successful and mature adults. I only hinder them. So i think i will stop being selfish and let them flourish. Even if it means that i will wilt into nothing. And i hope i do. Cuz i can't take the thought of not having them. I'd rather be a fertilizer than an invading weed in their lives. It's a very hard truth, but an honest truth.Thanks for listening parents. I hope no one is ever in my shoes. Sorry for the long rant. I just hope someone will understand, and maybe learn from my mistakes. Bipolar doesn't go away. And it don't get better. Sometimes it's easier, sometimes it takes over. I just hope my kids will understand one day why i couldn't live anymore. I hope they will know that a person cannot live without their heart or soul. And they were every single bit of my life. via /r/Parenting

Teens falling victim to the Juul effect

We were seeing a real drop-off in youth smoking, but now we’re seeing an increase,” says Dr. Beth Ebel, a UW Medicine pediatrician and researcher with the Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center.  Among teens as young as middle-school age, vaping with products that have nicotine “predisposes you to cigarette smoking later on.”Nicotine, once derived from tobacco plants to kill insects, works by altering the nervous system. “We’ve used it, refined it, concentrated it, and now we have a pure form of one of the most addictive substances known,” Ebel says in via /r/Parenting

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Just found my 4 year old sitting inside the dryer. What’s your kid’s weird sleepwalking story?

I heard some banging as I was getting ready for bed. I walk out and find my 4 year old sitting inside our front-loading dryer, with the door open, crying and saying “Stop it.” He’s got that sweaty, shaky, thousand yard stare thing going on and doesn’t really respond. So either I’m dealing with A) Sleepwalking or B) Ghosts. via /r/Parenting

Where have I gone wrong?

My 6 year old has epic self-harming tantrums the last up to 2.5 hrs. They are fairly sporadic and he’s otherwise just the sweetest little thing. My husband doesn’t seem to get into these weird tantrumy vortexes with him.It seems that my husband can get him through those difficult emotions a little bit more swiftly. Neither of us completely understands how.Tonight he had a 2.5 hr tantrum before bedtime and I feel broken. I don’t want to move, I don’t want to talk, I feel so just emotionally destroyed.I am sure I did everything wrong, and even when I might’ve done the right things, they were utterly unhelpful.I am getting him and maybe even us (my son and me) therapy for sure. But am I alone? Has anyone else dealt with something like this?I feel so so so shitty as a parent right now. I just don’t even understand how these tantrums come about. They never seem like they are about anything. Help me Reddit! via /r/Parenting

Parenting: What no one prepares you for

So tonight my 8 year old and nearly 6 year old found some old, unused, diapers in their playroom. This lead to their genius idea of carefully putting on the diapers and taking a massive poop.Both kids participated.A mess was imminent.Anyone else care to share their “no one prepared me for this” stories? via /r/Parenting

How do you stop seeing parenting as a chore?

It just seems like everything about being a parent is all effort and very little joy. I cringe coming home wondering what has gone wrong today. If everything is ok, it just means the balance of life is maintained, not that things are wonderful. When my son wants to spend time with me I wonder what heavy stuff he wants to lay on me. If he doesn't drop a bombshell, I'm relieved. But then it's just spending time with someone I don't really connect with. And he's not even a bad kid. He gets good grades. He doesn't do drugs. He doesn't get into trouble. I dunno, it's just like having this thing that you have to deal with every day that isn't fun but just a chore you have to deal with. I'm reading this and I know it sounds horrible. I can't really connect with people who seem to find so much joy in parenting. How would you ever know you aren't cut out to be a parent before you are? People needed to talk about this more. via /r/Parenting

Friend yells at kids - am I wrong?

I'll try to keep this as short as possible without leaving out to much detail.I grew up in a house full of slammed doors, yelling, screaming and tons of verbal abuse. As such, I do my best to not yell at anyone. I can't stand to be around it or in earshot of it.I made a new friend earlier this year, she seemed pretty cool. But it was impossible to hold a phone or even a text conversation with her because all she did was scream at her kids, constantly, non stop. Or rather what seemed like non-stop. She uses the voice recorder on FB Messenger, so texting her is impossible too.I recently went over to her house one night to help her with some stuff, and was also helping put the kids to bed, which I really like her kids, they're pretty awesome, and they like me to. We play together, cuddle, I give them baths, buy them gifts, etc. Well, they weren't getting bed like they should, or rather they weren't staying in bed, because toddlers and a 5 year old. She went in there and ripped them up one wall and down the other. I got insanely triggered by it. Almost stormed in there and told her to go to the living room and chill the fuck out. But I froze in front of that door. And instead just stood there while she yelled at them. I moved away before she came out and tried to collect myself.Last night, she was texting me about the parenting of another parent and being really judgmental. I'll preface this by saying I know I need a med adjustment and I need to increase my anti anxiety medication, because when it doesn't work, I can get really mean. I snap at people. I'm impatient, fidgety, etc. I got pissed off. This is what I texted her:"I mean this with all the love I can muster. Every single time we talk or you use voice messenger, all I hear is you screaming at the kids. Mostly Fiona. Now, I'm not about to tell you how to parent your own kids. But Fiona talks to me for a reason. She feels heard. Because I take a few minutes to HEAR her. Last time I was at the house I got really super triggered by you. You sounded just like how my mom used to verbally abuse me. I get it. You're under a lot of stress. And I'm not trying to make you feel like shit. But I'm telling you this because I care and because I believe you can do better."Today, naturally she's being super distant and doesn't want me to see her or the kids like we planned for tomorrow. I'm sad I don't get to the see the kids, and I'm wondering if I was out of line, or, if I am/was doing right by those kids. I know this could possibly open up a whole can of worms, so please try and be supportive. I'm extra vulnerable right now...I also want to mention i spent three solid weeks cleaning her place, getting rid of roaches, getting a bed for the kids, getting a new bed for her, etc. So I feel really kind of upset she would shun me so fucking fast. via /r/Parenting

Am I a horrible person?

This is going to be a long one...I posted previously about my son (who is now almost 6 and a half) and his overly affectionate and sometimes perverted behavior.Things have gotten somewhat better on that front, with the occasional complaint from his school about an incident maybe once or twice a month (not nearly as bad as daily or several times a week).It's summer now, and we've had a long and tiring "vacation".I'm a 29 year old single mom that moved back into my parent's house in my home country after my ex husband and I split up.I suffer from depression and anxiety, and have passive suicidal thoughts almost daily.I haven't "worked" outside of the home since my son was born, and when I moved home, I applied for assistance to help my son and myself along while I go to school.I appreciate the government assistance, but I feel badly about taking it when I am physically able to work, so I plan on looking for a job soon and continue schooling full time in September...But I already know I can't handle being a full time single parent while working and going to school.My son is hard to handle and deliberately disobeys me all the time, yet he is an absolute angel for his dad.His father lives a 14 hour drive away, and I have thought for months about sending him to live there...His father makes enough money to easily support the two of them, and I don't want to "abandon" my child, but I honestly feel as if I'm not cut out for parenthood...I don't know if he would be happier with him or not, or if his dad would even be willing to put in the effort to give him a stimulating life (aside from video games).When he's not working, ALL he does is play video games.It was always a fight to get him to go anywhere or do anything with us, whether it was going to the park, library, out for a walk, literally anything that wasn't on his PC.I'm afraid he will just throw him in front of the TV/computer or put a phone in his hand, just to be able to continue his antisocial lifestyle.My son has a few friends from school that we go on playdates with at the park, on a somewhat regular basis, and I don't know if his father would even bother with socializing with any parents and their children that our son may to see outside of school if he were to live there...Is it so wrong for the mother to be the one to leave?Am I a horrible person for wanting to send him away so I can finish school and follow my dreams? via /r/Parenting

First birthday parenting fail.

Sorry if the flair is wrong. I just really need to get my thoughts out there and I feel too uncomfortable with talking to people I know. I've had a very isolated year, I lost a lot of friends when I had my baby.Anyways. Today is my baby's first birthday. And I feel like I failed her. I didn't plan a party. I haven't gotten her any gifts. I didn't plan a photoshoot or a cake smash. I am constantly thinking about how her birth went(not the easiest) and how I had such a difficult time coping with it in the first few months.Leading up to today, I just felt so overwhelmed thinking about her birthday. My SIL was here all week and she just left this morning. My BIL is flying in from Japan with his son next week. My great aunt arrives later today. None of these visits are for my daughter, they just all happened to be around her birthday. I feel overwhelmed with wanting to do something with everyone but there are too many people to accomodate. My mom wanted to do something this weekend, but somewhere 1.5hr drive with no traffic away. I don't want to celebrate my kids birthday somewhere that far away knowing she hates long car rides. I've told her were not coming. My parents live an hour away but they rarely come out to see her. I want to have a celebratory dinner with my family, but there's no way I'll get them all together where I live. It's frustrating. And makes me want to do less. Which sucks for my kid. She deserves to celebrate her birthday with her family.I used to be super into birthdays. But no one ever seemed to care about mine, it was always forgotten. I've never had a party where people showed up. Never had one thrown for me and I want to go all out for my kid, but I'm just so worried it will be the same for her. I don't want her to feel the way I did. She's only 1, she doesn't know better now, but in later years... I hope I can get my act together. via /r/Parenting

Some brat is making fun of my son's speech impediment

My son (10) has had issues with speech since he was a baby. I won't go into all the details done they aren't relevant, but it took a long time for these issues to be addressed and I had to fight like hell for it. He finally started speech therapy in school about 3 years ago and was discharged from his IEP this spring because his speech impediment is now considered "mild" and is not affecting him socially or academically. I'm really proud of the progress he's made.My son also has some mental health issues, possibly depression, and vocalized some suicidal thoughts a few months ago. He's in therapy and seems to be doing okay, but he's not having a great summer. He doesn't really like the camp he's at, but we're stuck for this summer since everywhere else is booked or outrageously expensive, plus I'd be paying double because it's too late to back out of the camp he's in. Today he told me that another kid at the camp has been making fun of him every time he hears my son speak.I'm furious. I can't fathom how these kids can be so cruel to each other. I'm so upset I can't even think how to deal with the situation. via /r/Parenting

How to be a fun parent when you're broke.

All suggestions and ideas are welcome, we're all in this together!We live in Michigan, and we definitely take advantage of our library programs. They are free, my kid has loved most of the programs, and it's good for her to interact with other kids, too.Another thing I like to do is movie night. Some video rental stores let you borrow kid's movies for free, or you can check your library (have you noticed I love our library? Lol). Snuggle in with some blankets on the floor and pop some popcorn.Last idea (for now, or until you guys share too) is the old-fashioned nature walk. I let her take a plastic bucket (like ice cream bucket or something from the dollar store) and she really enjoys picking up pinecones, cool looking rocks, etc.Sorry for formatting, I'm on my phone. I hope to hear other ideas, and I'll try to share more too. via /r/Parenting

New girlfriend to guy with kids

I don’t think this is the right place but is there a subreddit anyone could point me to where I could get advice on how to coparent/vent about the mother of my boyfriend’s kids? He and I have been together for a year and I’m going crazy not having somewhere to vent about all the stuff we go through without it actively seeming like I’m just wanting to talk shit or dog on her. I guess I’m seeking a community where I can talk to other people in the same boat as I am and hear their horror stories/advice on how they managed to overcome obstacles and successfully coparent. The coparenting subreddit seems more like for the actual parents, what about new partners? I love these kids and I’m serious about them and their father but we’re not married or anything so I just want to make sure I stay in my lane and respect their mother no matter how hard it gets, and would love some support! Any ideas? Xx via /r/Parenting

Am I a bad parent if I allow my depressed moods to show sometimes?

I'm an older dad to a 3yo and 4mo. I'm super involved with my kids and I love them so much it hurts sometimes. I'm also an introvert who deals with depression and anxiety. I never thought I was destined to be a parent (I thought I'd mess the kids up), but my wife convinced me otherwise. That said, I was very, very apprehensive about having a second because I knew how much more difficult it could be. Needless to say, it happened anyway and is indeed more difficult.The 3yo is great and, as most toddlers are, very attached, intuitive, and repetitious. Most of the time it's cute, but last night the incessant "why?" and "daddydaddydaddy!" stuff got to me. My introversion prompted me to go hide in a darkened room with a cat but I tried to tough it out. I was mentally exhausted and it showed. I accidentally found myself on the edge of a deep, dark pit called This is Your Life Now. Remember, I'm an older dad and the more time your ways have to set in, the harder it can be to adapt to a new way of life. As we sat at the dinner table I put my head in my hands and, well, moped. My wife made me leave because I was "bothering" her. As you may imagine, that didn't help my mood.I could be better at managing my moods, but I am trying. There's just a lot going on right now. I love my kids and I want to do right by them. Does that mean always disguising or hiding it when I feel like crap? Is it okay if daddy is just sad sometimes, as long as it's clear that he's not upset with them? via /r/Parenting

Words are real life magic!

Dad of 4.5yo, here. As is typical with kids his age, he has a bit of selective hearing. So after getting frustrated at being ignored once again, and seeking a different tack, I stumbled upon a cool realization that was neat for both of us.Me: Hey, do you know about magic?Son: What?Me: Magic. gesturing with my hand I could use magic to lift that ball without touching it. doing the classic Haduken pose I can shoot a fireball with magic! pointing up Or, I can cast a magic spell and make a dragon appear right there out of thin air.Son: watches in rapt attentionMe: But that magic isn't real, is it? That magic is make believe. There's another kind of magic, real magic. I know real magic. Want to see?Son: breathlessly yeah!Me: I'm going to magically make something your head. Ready?Son: nodsMe: Apple... ... ... What do you see in your head?Son: An apple!Me: It worked! I'm gonna do it again...banana. What do you see?Son: A banana!Me: Yes! I bet you can do magic, too. Try it on me.Son: Orange!Me: I see it! A big orange orange!Son: Watermelon!Me: recoiling in amazement A watermelon! It's so big and real! Amazing, we can make things magically appear in each other's head, out of nowhere! Words are real life magic. But here's the trick, the magic only works if when one person is speaking, the other person is listening. It takes the both of us, right?Son: Right!Me: Let's make more magic together. When you speak, I will listen; and when I speak, you listen. Sound good?Son: Yeah!Now, as I'm sure everyone knows, parenting is a moving target. Some trick or nonsense might be good for a day, a week, a month but it wears off. Nonetheless, he had a much better night of listening after our exchange. We'll see how much it sticks. Even if it doesn't though, I still think it's a really neat thought about the power of communication. It really is magical that you can conjure images in others at will and I hope he keeps that lesson, whether it improves bedtime routine or not. via /r/Parenting

Textbook case of Sex Trafficking a Teenager

Today is World Day Against Trafficking. The most common form of trafficking is sex trafficking. Here is my truth: At 16 yers old I became of victim of domestic sex trafficking. My first encounter with a pimp was 100 yards from my high school. He presented himself as normal man intrested in me. Three days later I ran away from home. He changed my appearance and kept me locked up in hotel rooms. He transported me to different locations in the middle of the night. I escaped from him and ran to a police officer that I saw randomly in a parking lot. Before I could tell him I needed help he said "You're gorgeous. How much?" I walked away from him and back to my hotel room. My pimp then made me get his name tattoed on him. After three long months the police found me and charged me as a "runaway". While in the custody of juvenile justice detention center I found out that I was pregnant. I later found out through DNA testing ihat my daughter was conceived from my pimp.​Domestic minor sex trafficking is the act or practice of commercial sexual explitation of children through buying, selling and trading their sexual services. via /r/Parenting

Please leave your work bag, purse, wallet, cell phone and maybe even your left shoe in the backseat with your kids this summer. Throw in a stuffed animal in the passenger seat as an additional visual cue. Too many tragic deaths every summer.

These stories in the news are breaking my heart.No one thinks that it will ever happen to them, but 52 kids died horrific deaths last year, and we are up to 20 something this year.Please set aside some time to read this lengthy 2008 Pulitzer Prize winning article focusing on the parents of children who died horrifically and tragically in hot cars.It's a very long article, but very much worth the read. I read it in 2008, and have never forgotten it.Stay safe <3 via /r/Parenting

What can you do to entertain a one month old baby?

So my daughter is finally sort of at the point where she seems vaguely awake and sentient, and doesn't just sleep and only wake to eat and poop anymore. I take care of her during the day while hubs works so we have a loooot of spare time on our hands together, although she can only really be awake for an hour at most before she kind of loses her marbles and gets cranky. She seems to like doing tummy time on my chest, going for walks in the baby carrier, car rides and being sung to and cooed at. I hold her for some of her naps. Hubs and I both do bicycle legs, sing songs, play with her arms and generally just prattle on at her when she's propped up in our laps. She doesn't seem to give a shit about toys or being read to yet, although I will try to get her to track the rattly toys with her eyes. Am I missing something here? She seems like she's developing normally according to the milestone tracker I downloaded.It's super hot out and she hates the heat, otherwise I'd be taking her to the park more. via /r/Parenting

I don't feel like my baby's parent

Hi,My baby is now 7 months old, so I've been thinking about this on and off for a while, trying not to let it get to me.I don't feel like I love my baby as a mother should.I guess I don't feel like I love her in any way that is different to how I love my husband, or my siblings. From the get go there's been a definite sense of responsibility, and I know I'm a good caretaker of her, but I don't feel like a mother. I never had that "love at first sight" or rush of emotions. I do love her more at some times than others - she's a cute, easy to care for baby, she's easy to love.As an example, today we were sleep training at nap time. I don't ever like letting her cry for too long (I'm a SAHM, she's my first priority so it feels cruel and unnecessary for me personally) but I wanted to be firm today, so I stood by her cot and shushed her, lullabied etc but refused to pick her up. She went on for a while and eventually went to sleep. This wasn't gut wrenching for me. I feel a bit of guilt thinking back on it because it's obviously not nice to have any baby cry herself to sleep, but I don't feel emotional about it. She was completely safe, she knew I was there, she just had a "tantrum".I had miscarriages before my baby (and she's my only child). I was keeping an eye on my emotions then too, wondering when I'd start to feel like a mother, when I'd start to feel like I loved my babies and it never really happened until the grieving process which hit like a truck basically. So I know I must have loved my babies in some way.With regards to PND - I've had a few down days here and there but they pass fairly soon.I know not everyone has instant attachment, I know everyone's probably going to tell me "this is normal", but... is it normal? My baby deserves a mother who loves her as a mother should.Please help. via /r/Parenting

Weekly - Ask parents everything - July 30, 2019

This bi-weekly thread is meant as a place for non-parents and parents to ask questions to the community.Note - Remember that all questions and responses must adhere to our community rules.For daily questions see /r/Askparents via /r/Parenting

Finally got both kids to eat dinner

So my 10 year old won’t eat anything I cook because she’s a turd, and my 2 year old will eat anything but meat. I’ve been struggling with this for MONTHS. Tonight I made breakfast for dinner. Eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, and ham. Both kids ate everything. Licked their plates clean. I was so happy that they ate, I let them have desert. Mango gelato topped with nerds. Definitely not the healthiest by far, (I’ll probably have a heart attack after eating that or at least gain 10lbs) but it’s a win in my book. Now back to healthier meals and complaining lol. I just had to toot my own horn for a sec. via /r/Parenting

My 5yo shared rocks for share day

It was share day at my sons daycare and so he was going to bring some of his cars to show his friends but ended up forgetting them in my car. When I picked him up from daycare I saw rocks in his cubbie and asked them why he had them. He told me that since he forgot his cars in my car that he found some cool rocks from outside and shared those instead. It just makes me so happy that he has that optimism. I feel like I did something right lol. via /r/Parenting

12 year old son thinks his dad is gay and wants to come live with me full time

So my ex and I have joint custody over my 12 year old son. He goes between homes and is pretty well adjusted.He is a huge snooper and one day found a giant dildo in his dad and step moms bedroom. He brought it over here to show his friends who live at our complex and I had no idea this thing was in my home until his father came over to take it back. We talked about how he needs to stay out of other peoples bedrooms, ect, and I thought that was it.A couple months ago he came to me declaring that knows his dad is gay.He was once again snooping and he found a gay magazine and some gay porn and put it together that the dildo was his dads. So the entire time I’ve known his father, 15 years, I’ve always know he was bisexual. It’s never been a big deal.My son is totally flabbergasted. He doesn’t understand why his gay dad is married to a woman (especially a woman who he absolutely does not like) and he feels like his dad has been and is lying to him. He has told me he doesn’t care that his dad is gay but he hates that he’s being untruthful to him.This has been like the final nail in the coffin on the decision that he no longer wants to split time between our homes. Hes declares he only wants to visit on the weekends. He’s never really liked going to his fathers (step mom he doesn’t get along with, younger step and half siblings he feels get more attention) and now it’s like a battle to get him not to be mopey or sad when he knows he’s got to go to Dads.I am at a loss as to what to do.I’ve let his dad know that our son is onto his “secret” but I don’t know if that knowledge will change anything. His father is not a bad person but he is kind of selfish and I honestly don’t think he will take the time to explain anything to our son. I don’t feel like it’s my place to talk about it either. My best friend is gay so it’s not like this is a whole new experience for my son, he knows homosexuals but he’s just really hurt that his dad is hiding things from him.If my son pushes his father to let him stay full time at my home I know it will come back on me and somehow be my fault. He’s in 7th grade this upcoming school year and I’ve told him that he’ll have more voice in mediation once he’s a little older, so he should just sit back and finish out middle school and before high school starts we will go back to court and see if our mediator will take his wants into consideration.Since this whole thing has started he has been fighting with his step mom more (one fight ended up with her freaking out and breaking his skateboard into two pieces), stealing money from them, and being extremely disrespectful to step mom and his dad. It’s gotten to the point where several times he’s been dropped off at my home because he’s being such a monster, and that’s exactly what he wants. He’s a peach to me and my partner. A little snarky sometimes but never to the extent that he gets at his dads.Any advice? via /r/Parenting

Monday, 29 July 2019

Parents who didn’t find out gender till birth....

Totally worth it? Big mistake? How did you feel once the told you? Was it amazingly cool?I just wanna know the good, bad, and ugly if there is any! via /r/Parenting

She said she loves me!

After one year and seven months, my ten year old foster to adopt kid said she loves me! We have always been open about saying it to her and have not even discussed her saying it to us, she did it on her own! Super exciting after so much anxiety, trust building, counseling, constant reassurance, and support. via /r/Parenting

Mother in law called me pathetic for feeding my toddler grilled cheese..

We live with my MIL. It's temporary. But it seriously sucks.She is hands down the most judgemental person I've ever met. Thinks she is above everybody and her way is the only right way.I have a 6 month old and 18 month old so my days are busy. We had nothing prepped for dinner tonight. Sometimes my SO cooks when he comes home but not tonight.So anyways he made him a grilled cheese and served it with some cut up Veggies. She asked me when my SO got up and left what my son had for dinner. I said I didn't know and she's like I hope it was more than bread and cucumbers....She asks him once he comes back and he tells her. She says "you guys are pathetic.. It's no better than giving him instant macorini" .I just ignored her but it seriously pissed me off. Kids like eating grilled cheese. So the hell what? She really gets on my last nerve sometimes. He still eats a ton of Vegatables and fruit. Sorry he doesn't have a gourmet meal every night. via /r/Parenting

One down, four to go.

Our oldest leaves for college tomorrow. We discussed it and he wants to take himself. He doesn't want the experience of having his parents take him to college. Which is fine, we're a little busy at the moment.He has keys to an apartment. That was actually pretty easy. Phone, email, and FedEx took care of that. Utilities are on. I had his car checked out by a mechanic, he has a Uhaul trailer stuffed with enough stuff to get him going, AAA, and a credit card.I'm excited for him. It's going to be a big adventure for him. We're from Texas and he's going all the way to Idaho to study forestry. Entirely new climate and surroundings to learn about and explore.His mom is a little more nervous. Our son gets lost pretty easily. We put TomTom on his phone and his truck has navigation. At some point he's going to have to learn to pay attention and not zone out to his music.Is anybody else sending a kid to college this year? via /r/Parenting

Step-parent win!

My step-daughter came to me today about being upset over her friend! She’s 11yrs old and I struggle to feel as though she wants me around. But she came to me instead of her Grandma or mom. Or at least to my knowledge. I’m feeling so full of love!!Holy smokes, immediately after there was pressure to ensure I handled it well enough. Enough to help her become emotionally mature and have her feel safe to come to me again. I’d love for us to have an open and trusting relationship where she knows I’m here for her no matter what.Either way feels like a WIN! via /r/Parenting

Divorced reluctant father - Mother is remarrying - I want to reduce my involvement

Sorry in advance - this is long.Let's start with a little background -We got divorced when my son was less than a year old. His mother got primary custody and she is great, she's very attentive, loving, and enthusiastic about motherhood and doing everything she can for him. Honestly, all around a fantastic parent.It's been a couple years now, he just turned 3.I've been faithful in paying child support, and I've mostly stayed on top of visitation because I know kids need a father figure. We currently spend an hour and a half together twice a week, and have had a few overnights since he turned three (that's when overnights started in the custody arrangement). His visits always go really well, he has a great time and is always excited to come over, but since the beginning I've just felt like I'm just going through the motions.He's a smart, delightful kid, his demeanor and mannerisms remind me so much of myself, he's exactly the son I would have hoped for, but to be honest, I just don't want to be a father. I feel like an outsider. Everything I've done up to this point, I've done because I know it's my responsibility, but I just don't feel the way I think a parent ought to feel. I want to do the right thing by him, but I don't think I can sustainably force myself to feel enthusiastic about fatherhood, which means I fear I'm on track to be some kind of half-hearted uncle-dad. I don't want to do that to myself and I don't want to do that to him.His mother has expressed more than once that she doesn't really care whether I actually do visitation or not, she'd rather have him to herself. She's made it clear that my presence in her life is an inconvenience, and she would have preferred to be a widow single-parent rather than a divorcee co-parent.Now that his mom is getting remarried to a nice guy who he's become close with, it kinda feels like he has a chance to grow up in a normal-feeling family situation with his mom and step-dad, and I can't help thinking that maybe I should just let them do that without me.So here's the question - given that I'm currently an involved, but arguably not great or eager dad - would I be doing some long-term harm to my son by stepping away and leaving him to grow up with his mother and step-dad instead? Possibly moving to another state. Possibly talking to his mom about offering to let her new husband adopt my son in the future. (I think she'd really love that)Please take it easy on me, this is a hard topic to approach because every time I think about it I feel like some kind of rotten, heartless sociopath. I need help sorting this out and don't feel comfortable bringing it up with any of my friends or family.Looking for any advice you can offer. This has been on my mind a lot recently and it'd really help to talk it through with someone.Thanks. via /r/Parenting

Judgement for having a 3rd

Hi all, So I’m a few days out from my due date with baby #3. I already have a daughter & a son (both under 5).I’m so tired of the judgement and negative comments from people - mostly strangers - who feel like their opinion is worth something when it comes to my family.When my son was born, and I had the “pigeon pair”, it started. “At least now you won’t need any more kids”, “you must be done now”. Then when I fell pregnant, it was; “oh no! Someone forgot their pill?” And “was it an accident!?”Most recently was 2 days ago, a woman working at the newsagents I went to said “aren’t those 2 enough of a handful? Why are you having a 3rd?” While I’m 39 weeks pregnant. My kids weren’t misbehaving, weren’t being noisy, did nothing to warrant a comment of that nature from a stranger.I guess I just wanted to vent. Why is it anyone else’s business? Do these people think they’re clever? Funny? via /r/Parenting

Deaths in the family

I have a close relative (parent) who has terminal cancer. They could go quickly, they could not - we have no idea, but they are at particular risk right now with an opportunistic infection that the hospital is struggling to get under control.If the worst happens (or appears like it will be happening soon), I'd want to jump on a plane and get there - they live a 19 hour drive or multiple connecting flights away from us.The question is what to do with our 4 year old. I could travel solo, and my spouse can stay with our kid, and they would travel down for a funeral. I am not interested in my kid "saying goodbye" to their grandparent before they pass - I honestly think this would be too traumatic for him, since while he loves his grandparents he hasn't spent much time with them to form a close bond.Has anyone ever been in this situation? What did you do an how did it turn out? via /r/Parenting