Saturday, 1 June 2019

When I think I'm raising a brat

I have a 21 month old boy. He's generally really good. He always has been a lovely little boy.Occasionally, for maybe a week every so often his behaviour seems to change with me and he becomes an utter arse.And then I realise it's me. It's my fault.For example, when he gets out of the bath, which is a struggle, he likes to, naked and soaking wet, climb over me as if I'm his own personal climbing frame. Attempts to stop this end up in tears and tantrums and fighting him to get him dry and into bed.Why is he so naughty with me?It's okay, apparently kids are like this with their mothers...So I get him out of the bath, I have his towel ready. I say to him, where is your arm. He doesn't attempt to climb over me, but laughs and sticks out his arm.I rub the arm with the towel and tell him, I'm gonna dry that cheeky arm, he is giggling, as I ask Where is your other arm. He sticks it out....And on we go throughout his whole body.This is now our game when we get out of the bath. It's also easier to get him out the bath now by asking where is your arm. He knows what game we are going to play and he is eager to get out.Basically, this has caused me to realise that when he is being naughty it is my fault. It's something I'm not doing right, something I could make more enjoyable.It's easy to forget they are little humans, and we expect them to run through mundane tasks just as we do, and it's easy to become frustrated and just tell them off when they won't do as they're told.And it's difficult to, instead of telling them off, and telling them to behave, to instead take the time (or even to have the time) to try different ways of talking to them and making things fun.But now instead of a boy who is an angel with everyone else and naughty when alone with me, I have a boy who is an angel most of the time. And I've realised that when he is being naughty there is something I need to do differently and not something he needs to do differently. And that's very easy to forget, because as a parent it's nice to think that we are always doing the best we can.But sometimes we aren't, because we are tired. Because we are impatient. Because we just want to get this shit done with so we can relax for the evening. via /r/Parenting

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