Monday, 24 June 2019

What is appropriate to comment on?

I’m a new mom, and in that age group when most of my friends are becoming parents too. For 99% percent of parent-related things, I have a “you do you boo-boo” attitude. I don’t care what clothes your kid wears, how much they watch TV, if you give them a cell phone at 3 years old, or what brand of diapers you put them in.But what do you do when a close (or not close) friend makes what you think is a dangerous parenting decision? Where do you draw the line at saying something? Would you comment if someone didn’t vaccinate? Didn’t follow safe-sleep guidelines? Smoked in the home? Fed their infant honey? What’s your “hill to die on”?This isn’t a question about how do you deal with individual issues, but more of an open discussion on how do you decide what is worth addressing and what is not? via /r/Parenting

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