Update at the bottomI’m a single mom. It’s not uncommon for me to do Target Pick Up or Walmart Grocery to save myself the trouble of having to take my two hyper, loud, busy hooligans in with me. Don’t get me wrong: I take them in sometimes because they have to learn how to interact in the world, but if I can avoid the “Mom can I have?”-s and “Mom is so stingy with her money,” comments, I will. (Their dad and bonus mom make about 3 times what I do, and I have a six figure salary...these kids are spoiled rotten, and it shows, so no, I don’t buy them everything. I have them earn it, but I digress.)After FIVE hours at our local public pool, I ordered some new goggles for Kid 1 and a shark toy for Kid 2 because K1 has misplaced his goggles and someone at the pool ran off with K2’s toy like a week and a half ago.We drive up. We get handed our order. K1 is talking over the Target GS Associate because he wants me to put on a specific song RIGHT NOW and my resistance is fucked after arguing with this kid all the way to the store. I tried to apologize to the associate but she was already walking away. I spoke to my son, rather tersely, about how rude he was being and how the world does NOT revolve around him. I told him until he learns patience, I’m not putting on any music specifically requested by him. K. Case closed.We get home (not a long drive), and I go to pull the stuff out of the bag and have the kiddos put it away. That’s when I discover I’m missing the goggles. Fuck. I call the store, explain the situation to a confused worker who kept insisting I only bought one pair (which I knew but I only received zero pairs...), all while K1 is talking over the phone and following me around because he wanted something to eat. FFS kid. Give me a second, please. I finally get things straightened out with the lady on the phone and she says, just come back up here and we’ll give you another pair.Fine.We get back to Target. I go inside. I explain the situation again at Guest Services. It’s the same woman who brought my order out and who’s like, “I know I put those in there but whatever. Here’s your new goggles.” I told her, “if they turn up in my car, I’ll be sure to bring these back.”It’s then that K1 piped up with “We already have goggles like that!”“Yes, (child), I bought some like this earlier this year. These are replacing those.”“But we already have them.”“Child. You lost those today, and I’m replacing them.”“No, we already have them.”He was completely oblivious to the fact I was replacing misplaced goggles. That the goggles I gave him at the pool to use were mine. I’m trying to explain this to him while he’s insisting I’m trying to replace goggles already in my possession, making me sound like a fucking thief.They’re. Ten. Goddamn. Dollars. I. Will. Gladly. Pay. Again. To. Escape. This. Embarrassment.I try to explain to the now suspicious Target employee and her nearby manager who overheard the whole thing. They waved it off, but I felt like I was being watched walking out. I was SILENT on the way to the car because I was seething. I’m still angry AF. I tried to explain to my son that his behavior could have resulted in me being fined for shoplifting or worse. And my word is so important to me. So now I feel like I have an entire Target staring at me. I just...Omfg. How do you handle something like this?!?! How do I convey the gravity?!?! Especially to a kid who really gives no fucks about anyone other than himself because he’s a kid (just turned nine)??Ugh.Tl; dr: Son embarrassed the crap out of me at a store by insinuating I was stealing when I wasn’t - and wouldn’t - and I’m so angry I’m seeing red.Update: After we finally got home, I explained to both of my children I needed a break. I made sure they had food and were okay and I went and meditated, which for me as a single mom, looks a lot like dishes. I needed to breathe. In the midst of rage cleaning, which is what I do, K1 asked if we could talk. I said sure. He apologized for his behavior, said he didn’t have a reason or excuse, and asked how he could make it up to me. We talked about respect and how we don’t talk over others and how sometimes we need to button our lips, especially when mom tells him too. He promised to try harder and helped me with chores. K1 is usually my angel kid; he doesn’t do stuff like this often, which is why I think I got so angry. He knows better. via /r/Parenting http://bit.ly/2Y7Rimf
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