Thursday, 2 August 2018

Update: Waiting Sucks

So about every other month or so I’ve been posting updates about my son. The neuro-development team believes he has Prader-Willi Syndrome. We got the blood draw done and now we wait for news. They said 4-6 weeks, and it is now week 4. I jump every time my phone rings.Good news first:He’s doing well in physical therapy, and though we haven’t seen much improvement in his physical abilities or muscle tone his confidence is through the roof. He’s started exploring the rest of the house beyond the living room, follows my husband and I around, and fights with his sister constantly. His cognitive skills have also improved, and he has learned how to play peak a boo with us. He has also started eating little bits of finger foods at a time (Gerber puffs, little crumbs of what we are eating). He’s working with an occupational therapist right now to improve his skills with eating. Whereas before he couldn’t even eat mashed potatoes without choking, now peanut butter is his favorite treat. I’m so proud of him, he’s such a happy and giggly little boy and so tough too!! He puts up with everything these therapists throw at him and does it with a smile.Some bad news:He’s lost more weight, down to 15lbs even again. That’s worrisome and we are hoping that someone can provide us an explanation. A 14 month old shouldn’t be that small. He still looks pocket sized (I.e: the size of a 6-7 month old) and his sensory overload is getting worse. Also due to the circumstance surrounding our children, we have to rehome our puppy. The stress that I carry like a well-loved blanket at this point has definitely affected him. Now if it was just against me, I would make it work. I can handle a few attempted bites (nips really) and growls. However, he’s started growling at my children and actually full blown snarled/lunged at my son who did nothing but crawl by his kennel when he was following me around. I love animals, I love dogs, but I can no longer trust my puppy around my kids. Topping that, my puppy just isn’t getting what he needs anymore. He’s a very active dog/breed, he needs something better than we can give right now. When we got him we had no idea this was coming down the pipe for us and it kind of bowled us over. We are doing our absolute best to find the perfect home for him.So that’s where we are at. My hair is falling out and I forget to eat sometimes, but our little boy is improving and is happy. I’ll probably post another update when we get results back, but for now I’ll just try my hardest to focus on the positives of this situation (and hopefully get put on anti-anxiety meds soon). If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Feels good to get this off my chest somewhere. via /r/Parenting

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