Thursday, 2 August 2018

He dropped him

Yesterday my husband dropped our 6 week old son from standing height onto wood floor. He landed face down and had a large bump on his head. We called our doctor immediately and went in where they evaluated him and said he was fine but for piece of mind to go to the ER to get a CT scan. We go and the first thing the nurse admitting us says is how a CT scan on someone so young “raises the risk of getting cancer exponentially.”We aren’t presented with any other options so we get the CT scan and it comes back that he has a skull fracture but no bleeding or swelling. We’re transferred to the larger regional hospital 2 hours away so that he can be monitored by the neurosurgeon. Our son has been acting completely normal this whole time I should add, minus some extra crankiness.The staff at this hospital is fine but the head of pediatric surgery is a terribly mean woman and I’m weary of the others but it’s the only hospital relatively close to us that has these facilities. They want xrays of his whole body, we ask if it’s necessary as that’s even more radiation. They say it’s less than a CT scan and will help them figure out why his liver and other counts are elevated. It doesn’t and the head wants another CT scan of his chest and abdomen. We went back and forth with her multiple times and ultimately she came in and lectured us and we had no other option again but to get it.Our 6 week old has been exposed to so much radiation so young and in such a short period of time. My husband and I are beside ourselves with immense fear that all of this will cause him cancer and produce no results as again, he’s acting completely normal. Not to mention what will come of these tests, as so far every time they’ve done something it’s come back with more bad news.I don’t know why I’m writing this. I don’t know if any of it makes sense. They treat us like we’re terrible parents. It was an accident, we love him more than anything in the world. It’s all so terrible. I can’t handle any more horror stories or bad news. I don’t know what to say or what to do. I’m numb. I feel sick with what results will come back this morning. I just want my sweet boy to be okay and to go home. via /r/Parenting

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