Friday, 23 February 2018

Pronlems with a 7 year old

I have two wonderful children, a 9 year old daughter who is pretty awesome (minus being a little bossy/bratty sometimes) and a 7 year old son. My son is super book-smart, but he is just acting obnoxious lately.Once every couple of weeks (at least) he will have a bad day at school, either walking around the classroom when he shouldn't be, doing dumb shit like pretending to fall out of his chair and gasping like it's a surprise (he's a shitty actor) or not listening to the teacher. When we confront him he says he "didn't hear her" when she has told him several times. His hearing is fine.At home he moves slowly unless I yell, even after I yell, pure defiance. He wants us all to wait for him. He is always the star of the show, we are always having to raise our voices, wait on him, sigh and get irritated. He ruins lunches and dinners out because he won't listen, won't eat when he is hungry, flops out of his chair and infuriates us. He doesn't do any of the things I ask him to. It's a constant battle.Just this morning I asked if he was dressed and he said yes. Twenty minutes go by and I tell him to come downstairs and he's in his fucking pajamas. He said "I forgot these were pajamas". I don't know if he thinks he is smarter than me or what but these excuses are such bullshit. He has an excuse for everything. "I forgot", "I didn't hear you", etc and I can't call him on his bullshit because he just persists. He didn't have time to eat this morning because he wasted so much time. It's the end of the school year, he knows what he needs to do, he just doesn't do it.And with the shitty acting, idk if he is trying to get attention or what but he over-reacts to loud noises or fast movement like 2 seconds too late, like he's pretending to be a battered child or something. We have never done anything to hurt him. We don't even spank, but I've considered starting lately. So there's that.I'm sorry this is a lengthy post. I'm just tired of the behavior not changing. I'm exhausted. I work full time, sometimes all evening, and I can't always be there so maybe its a consistency thing? Idk. I've rewarded good behavior, given extra attention, given harsh punishments for bad behavior, and repeated myself until I've felt dead inside. I know it could be worse but I'm just at my wits end and any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for reading. via /r/Parenting

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