Friday, 23 February 2018

25F I don't feel comfortable leaving my child 3F alone with my live in long term boyfriend 35m. I want to tell him the truth about this and more so he understands

We've been leaving together since the start of this year & dating for over a year. While he's a great guy and good father figure on paper I just hold this unease queasy feeling in my stomach with leaving my daughter alone with him.A little about me: As a child I was molested by a trusted family friend later raped by a best friend's boyfriend. I had difficulty trusting men for a very long time. I eventually went to counseling after my child's father abandon us. When I met my current boyfriend I was emotionally ready to pursue a relationship again.Back to the present: What's preventing my trust is my past but also my boyfriend's actions and phrases at times. We watched a movie the other night and he joked what if the father & daughter slept together. The movie was about the father switching bodies so the other guy was basically attracted to the daughter (the movie is an old blockbuster from the 90s).Anyhow, I really want to communicate tonight before bed how I feel so he understands why I tend to be less than enthusiastic about him being around her on his own.A little more about his actions: He offers to displine her by himself in her room. But that was a red flag; I immediately go inside her room when he says he'll do that but he claims he can't displine a child in front of someone, I think he was hinting he'd rather they were alone but I don't know. I seriously don't want him disciplining her and have made it clear. I want him to talk to her in a fatherly voice but no displine.Another thing I don't feel comfortable with is my daughter sitting on his lap....that might sound weird but I really would prefer he not. Maybe I'm crazy. Please correct me if I'm wrong.The only reason I made the move to live together was to move our relationship to the next level but it seems like on the parenting side I'm insecure and too cautious? I also just find his taste shows slightly alarming especially one about a teacher turned serial killer whose murdering his elementary students a bit off putting (It's now a Netflix show Erased). I'm trying to separate his personality from his actions and really believe my worrying is just overreacting but I just can't help but feel my stomach jump every time she hugs him or sits on his lap. Don't get me started on when he checks her diaper. That makes me flat out mad. Please someone anyone help me. via /r/Parenting

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