Monday, 26 February 2018

Two girls (4/7); only Mom will do.

I'm mom and I'm losing my mind.My husband and I both work and we are home with the kids the same amount of time. If anything, he's probably the more fun parent - he's generally hysterical and the girls adore him and have fun with him.But they have this pathological NEED, apparently, for mom to be involved in everything. Storytime is exclusively my purview. Only mom can pick out clothes that are cool enough. Only mom can give hugs when the little one bumps her head. Only mom can make lunch (dad is a better cook). Mom's going to the grocery store? They INSIST on going. Dad's going to the grocery store? They want to stay home with Mom. I also have much more PTO so I handle 99% of the school appointments, doctor and dentist visits, sick days, school dropoffs, etc. They wake up early on the weekends and immediately wake ME up; Dad tries to get up with them but they'll be sneaking back to get me within 10 minutes or so. You get the idea. It's a lot.Dad is well aware of this issue, and I think it hurts a little bit. He really tries to do stuff with the girls, suggest activities, etc, and they have a lot of fun with him when I'm not there.But I don't think he has a full appreciation of how much it can be for me sometimes. Even going to the grocery store solo is an amazing reprieve for me. It's hard to appreciate it if you're not the "chosen one" parent, but Dad's solo commutes, his ability to run errands without either taking an entourage or sneaking out of the house so as not to cause a meltdown, his 30 minutes of uninterrupted evening time while I read stories - all of that adds up.I travel for work occasionally, and I cannot begin to express how nice it is to have a single night in a hotel where no one needs anything from me, I can get up and just shower and get ready in the morning, etc.Anyone have success with turning this around with TWO kids? via /r/Parenting

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