Hi all, my family (myself, my husband, seven year old daughter and two year old son) will be moving long distance, a thousand or so miles away from all of our extended family.The plan is for the extended family to eventually follow after they reach retirement, etc, but for the first few years it's going to be just us in this new location. We are the 'pioneers,' so to speak. We don't have the ability to wait around until everyone else is ready to go, nor do we want to, we are eager to go and move onto a new phase of life with more affordable living, good weather, lots of job opportunities..The thing is, we won't know anyone where we are going. This is my point of fear. I am a stay at home mom and my spouse is in the medical field, I plan to get out there and make friends as soon as I can but that is an assumption that it works out and I meet anyone I hit it off with.I've researched the area extensively and there's a lot of kid drop off services for parents night out kind of things, drop off the kids for a few hours and go out to dinner or whatever, so I know we will be able to preserve a bit of sanity and freedom with a kid free night once or twice a month or so, so that's one more superficial concern abated.I'll also look into a babysitting agency or something to have care available in my home but the big scary thing that I don't have an answer for is what happens to our kids in a true crisis? I know the odds of something like this happening that both parents are suddenly debilitated or killed are super low, but I would feel irresponsible to not have a plan in place for such a crisis scenario.What happens to my kids if my spouse and I are both injured in a car accident or something at the same time? Say the kids are at a drop off parents night out and we get in a major wreck and hospitalized, or worse, killed? I know speculating on stuff like this is very doomsday but I feel I need to. It's not out of the realm of possible things.What would happen to my kids? Are there services for emergency childcare in a situation like this where there is no extended support? If we don't know anyone at all to call in the local area?I know my extended family back home would fly down and be there in a day or two but what's happening to my kids in the meanwhile?Does anyone live far away from family without any friends or support around you? Do you have a plan for situations like this? Are there services I should know about to be involved with? via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2sMemvI
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