Monday, 1 January 2018

Would you take a three-year-old on a cruise?

So 2017 was very rough on my husband's family. My husband lost two grandparents: FIL's father passed in July and MIL's mother passed in November. Both were unexpected even though they were older. MIL told me she knows 28 people who have passed in 2017. It's been rough. When my husband's grandfather passed the entire extended family decided to go on a cruise in honor of him. Not to spread ashes or anything. I think it's just for the family to spend time together. Though I don't completely understand it since we see the entire family fairly often, it's extremely important to everyone.Now MIL is very bad at communication. We told them(both MIL and FIL) from the get go we couldn't afford a cruise. They tried to throw out numbers to see if we could afford some of the cruise and they could take care of the rest. But we can't afford any extra expenses right now. Eventually they told us they would pay for us to go because it's very important that we're there. Then fast forward to November MIL claims that she never offered to pay for the entire thing and that they need us to pay for half. Again, we tell them we can't go because we can't afford it. MIL is very distraught that we aren't going. Is begging us to go. This is all occurring just a few weeks after her mother has passed so she is grieving and emotional. Eventually FIL tells us he'll pay for us to go.After considering paying for half of the cruise I've kind of put myself off from it. The cruise is a few weeks after my daughter's 3rd birthday. The cruise does have child care but I'm pretty sure my daughter would be miserable. She's pretty shy. It's taken her the better part of a year to get used to her current daycare. Daycare thought she was speech delayed for the longest time when really she was just too shy to talk to anyone. I know I'll just be dealing with a cranky three year old in an unfamiliar environment. I'm really not looking forward to it. I told my in laws that we weren't going and they are extremely upset. Even my husband's aunt is trying to make it work by assigning shifts for people to watch my daughter.I've never been on a cruise so I don't know what to expect. But I'm told there's nothing for a child to do. If I had to pay for this cruise I would never go. But I feel like I have to go for my in-laws' sake. If I do go it won't be a vacation for me. I'm just trying to weigh everything in and decide if I should go or not. I'm also uncomfortable with how wishy washy my in-laws have been about paying for it.Also, I don't have the option to leave my daughter home. Anyone I would be comfortable leaving her with is going to be on the cruise. My parents are not options.Thoughts? via /r/Parenting

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