Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Kids (8F and 6M) never want to go to school. How can I solve this without yelling and going completely insane?

Going to try and keep this short but I have a history of rambling so sorry in advance.As the title reads, my 8f and 6m don't want to go to school. For my 8 year old this is a new thing. She started grade 2 this year and has been loving every day and gets upset when her brother is the one holding us back and making us late, but after being home for a week due to sickness she's starting to follow in his footsteps.Recently my kids picked up some sort of flu/sickness from school. They spent a week home. All of us, including my 3yo, caught it and it was a week of utter hell. Now everyone is better so I'm happy to say they can go back to class.Except I can't even get them to wake up. And then when they do finally wake up, my son especially, lays there and won't let me get him dressed let alone get out of bed. He keeps saying he's sick. If I pin him down and put on an item of clothing. He rips it off. We repeat the cycle until I start to get really frustrated and yell or cry. Some days he will eventually get ready and we end up being late, other days (because he pulls this a lot not just after being home sick) I end up telling him fine, He doesn't have to go, but we need to take his sister and I can't leave him home alone so he needs to get dressed. So he will finally get dressed and come downstairs to finish getting ready. Some days he lets me bring his backpack and I am able to drop him off. Other days, if I even touch his backpack he will rip his clothes off until I promise I'm not going to bring it.I have tried taking tv and devices away as consequences for not going and they don't care. They will spend the day playing together instead. I've tried bribing with the promise of a trampoline in summer if they can go every day for the rest of the year. They don't seem to care.I feel like a failure of a parent and I don't know what I'm doing wrong or what I can do to stop this. I can't force them to get dressed or carry them outside because we walk, can't pin them down into a car seat (they can unbuckle their seat belts anyways) plus I have a 3yo and 9w old to care for as well.Please help. I'm tired of fighting and crying and feeling like a failure. And I'm terrified my kids are going to be taken away from me, or that I'm going to be put in jail because I can't do something as simple as getting them to school. via /r/Parenting

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