Sunday, 28 January 2018

Son 16months doesnt like his dad. Any advice?

Hello parents of Reddit. Our little one is 16months old, he's a warm hearted little boy and seems to be developing well. He's especially affectionate with me and the lady who cares for him during the day (My husband and I both work full time) and with basically any other women he meets. He's generally distrusting of stange men, which I guess is ok for a very young boy, but it's definitely not just a gender thing as he adores his grandpa. He loves to give hugs and kisses to me, granny and nanny but when his dad tries to do it he gets pushed away and generally, a wail. He won't look daddy in the face, wont be held by daddy when I'm there and though he does play with his dad he's rarely affectionate with him. His rejection of daddy seems to be much worse when I'm around which makes us think perhaps he's jealous of his dad. My husband is a really lovely, warm and social guy, we are affectionate to eachother and in front of our boy. He tries to put on a brave face and not react to our son being cold but I know it kills him, and it worries me. For sure his dad could give him more attention, but it's obviously disheartening when he gets nothing back. Any ideas or suggestions? Should I try and be less affectionate to my husband in front of our kid? Is this just a phase he'll grow out of, and if so, any ideas when? via /r/Parenting

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