Hi Everyone! My wife and I have an almost 2 year old, and an 8th month old. We have happy healthy kids, and we are very thankful that life on many fronts fell in line for us in order to support them.My wife and I work around the clock on all fronts before and after daycare.. and weekends. We have never left our two boys with anyone but my parents for maybe a couple hours on a weekend once in a while, or with a trusted babysitter after they are in bed so we can go out and eat at a restaurant. This might happen once a month or every other month.I think what is really missing is our health via going to a gym or just simply having an hour or two once a week not in the grind. Maybe we are just at a stage where are young ones are too young to allow us that.. or maybe some people here have some good suggestions? I don't know the answer.. all I know is that my wife and I are feeling incredibly worn down while also feeling like we are neglecting our own health. I feel like we are in sort of a catch 22.. it is tough to care for both kids at the same time with only one of us around... tough for us to leave them during hours they are actually at home with us on a weekend.. tough to trust someone to watch them other than my parents... and at the end of the day money is pretty tight and it is tough to afford on a weekly basis someone to come each weekend to maybe watch them for a couple of hours.So anyways.. I KNOW there are a bazillion of you out there who may have been in these shoes and had to make some sort of change to spruce up your health and be even better parents... or maybe we are just screwed for a year or two more until the kids get a bit older??? via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2E4hNlX
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