Just reposting this here from another subreddit. I’m honestly trying to find help so sorry if I seem desperate.I’m [15F] currently dealing with realizing that certain things my parents have done throughout the years may or may not be considered abuse. Growing up with these things have made me normalize them so I honestly can’t tell the difference between normal parent behavior and abusive behavior.1) Lifting up my shirt and threatening to take and post nude pictures of me in front of the house2) Locking me in dark rooms as punishment for up to an hour alone (Now I have a fear of the dark)3) Berating me for looking at parents in the eyes (can’t look at people in the eyes very well)4) Tried to commit suicide by inhaling smoke (which could choke everyone else on the second story of the house)5) Destroying property (may not be mine) in front of me in a way that invokes fear6) Told me to “go back to the school counselors and tell them you’re suicidal again to see what they do”7) Twisting stories to make it seem like they’re the victims to anyone (even outside of immediate family)8) Berated SO and SO’s parents on the phone9) Flipped over a B in any class (oooooh boy asian parents)10) Dragging me upstairs by the wrist to watch my father destroy more things11) Grabbed my hand to punch their head12) Humiliated me in front of the family13) Talks about how big my butt is or how much my boobs have grown14) Mother will not take complaints seriously on my part (once complained that my dad slapped my butt too much and decided to tell him to stop in a non concerned way almost like humor)15) Infantilizing/helicopter parenting16) When I do something wrong, they expect me to be extremely sorry, like begging for forgiveness sorry on my knees, but won’t apologize (whole heartedly) when they do something worse to me17) Spying on everything I do18) Threaten to leave the household/tell me to go live with another family19) Constantly yells at eldersI’ve honestly thought about calling CPS. I have a bit of evidence of my father destroying property if anyone asks. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2AC2sag
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