My daughter complains about a lot of owies. Every little thing that causes a little bit of pain she wants at least a kiss if not a band-aid. Well about two weeks ago I was feeling a little silly (probably from working a night shift I don't normally work and only getting 5 hours of sleep before having to return to work) and my little girl hurt her hand. She needed a kiss and since I was in a silly mood and had a blue sharpie on me I told her that the sharpie was a magic marker that would made the pain go away. I drew a little blue X on her. She pointed to a 2 more owies and 2 more blue X's were added. The best thing is it made her happy and annoyed the wife.Now flash forward to today. She scraped her shin hard. I don't know how it happened but she was hurting. She was cuddled, crying, in my lap and wanted a band-aid. Well there was no blood and I didn't want to try to remove a band-aid later from an area that will probably bruise. I suggested the "magic marker". My wife, who also didn't want to deal with a band-aid, handed me the blue sharpie and a little blue X went right next to the scrape. The crying stopped immediately. I asked her if she needed another Magic mark. She said no and hopped happily off my lap. via /r/Parenting
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